District 8 Projects - York County

Route 30 at Big Mount Road Intersection Improvement

Project Status

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Project Overview

County: York
Municipality: Jackson Township
State Route: SR 30-040
Local Name: Lincoln Highway at Big Mount Road
Project Type: Intersection Improvement
Proposed Construction Start: Spring 2027
Proposed Construction End: Fall 2028
Last Updated: January 2025

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invites the public to an online plans display regarding the Route 30 (Lincoln Highway) at Big Mount Road intersection improvement project. This project is located in Jackson Township, York County, approximately 10 miles west of the City of York.

The proposed project will construct a single-lane roundabout just east of the existing intersection to improve its safety and operations. Big Mount Road will be realigned to improve the skew of the roadway approaching the roundabout. The relative existing Route 30 and Labott Road horizontal alignments will be maintained. The roundabout will be designed with the appropriate splitter islands and deflection approaching the circulatory roadway to slow traffic to the appropriate speeds.

Signing, pavement markings, and drainage will be updated, and roadway lighting will be added at the roundabout. A stormwater management pond will be constructed southeast of the intersection. Turns to and from Big Mount Road and Labott Road will be restricted during construction, and traffic on the side roads will be detoured. Through traffic on US 30 will be maintained via temporary lane shifts.

Overhead utilities will be relocated away from the proposed roadway and roundabout. Impacts to underground utilities will be evaluated and resolved. Strip right-of-way takes will be acquired adjacent to Route 30, Big Mount Road, and Labott Road. More significant right-of-way takes are anticipated in the northeast and southeast quadrants of the intersection for the construction of the roundabout.

The project is currently in design, and construction work is expected to take place in the 2027 and 2028 construction seasons. The duration of construction is anticipated to last 18 to 24 months.

A digital version of the project plans and information will be available to view online from approximately January 27, 2025, through February 28, 2025.

A physical copy of the plans will also be available for review at the Jackson Township Municipal Building, 439 Roth's Church Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362, during the dates listed above.

Past Public Outreach

Plans Display & Comment Period 2025

The plans display for this project was held in person at  Jackson Township Municipal Building (439 Roth's Church Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362)  and online from January 27, 2025 through February 28, 2025. During that time the public comment period was also open.  

Contact Information

Pharon Bertsch, P.E.
PennDOT Project Manager

David M. Thompson
Media Contact
(717) 787-1446


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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