Past and Present RACP Grantee List
As a result of inquiries from potential candidates and applicants, the Office of the Budget provides a list of Past and Present Grantees (XLSX). The list is merely a suggested point of reference that potential candidates and applicants could use to their benefit to navigate the highly competitive grant program.
Potential candidates and applicants still have the option to select and work with Grantees of their choice that are not listed on the website. Please note that the Grantee’s eligibility requirements have not changed. Act 1 of 1999 - Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act (PDF) as amended, mandates that Grantees must be one of the following:
- A redevelopment authority.
- An industrial development authority.
- A general purpose unit of local government.
- A local development district that has an agreement with a general purpose unit of local government under which the unit assumes ultimate responsibility for debt incurred to obtain the non-State financial participation.
- A public authority established pursuant to the laws of this Commonwealth.
- An industrial development agency:
(i) which has been certified as an industrial development agency by the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Board under the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609, No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act; and
(ii) which is itself or which is acting through a wholly owned subsidiary that is exempt from Federal taxation under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Contact Us by Mail:
Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program
Office of the Budget
Bureau of Redevelopment, Capital, and Debt
333 Market Street Tower | 18th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2210
NOTE: Requests for information in accordance with the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL), must be submitted directly to Requests sent to any other email address listed on this website will not be considered an official RTKL request. Please see the Office of the Budget's Right-To-Know Law page for more information.
Be advised that any information included in the submission of an e-RACP Online Application (Pre-Award-Application) and PMP (Post-Award-Application) and any attachments thereto may be subject to the Right-to-Know Law in Pennsylvania.