More than 70 percent of the woodlands in Pennsylvania are owned privately.

With the proper instruction, tools, and technical assistance, these landowners can manage their land in ways that enhance wood production and recreation, protect water, and benefit wildlife.

Making wise and informed decisions on how to manage land helps conserve the natural resources of Pennsylvania and ensures that forests are resilient and able to withstand future changes.​

Service Foresters

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry has an assigned service forester ​to each county (PDF).

These individuals offer information and advice to managers of rural and community forests and are a resource for the residents of Pennsylvania, helping to guide landowners and residents in the practice of sustainable forestry.

Some of the topics that service foresters can help address are:

  • Sustainable forest management technical assistance
  • Cost-share assistance
  • Information on hiring a professional forester
  • Help reviewing Forest Stewardship and Natural Resource Conservation Service-related plans
  • Regional planning advice
  • Advice on forestry and water-related best management practices
  • Presentation of educational forestry-related programs to a variety of audiences
  • Urban and community forestry management assistance
  • Tree planting
  • Riparian forest buffers

Consulting Foresters

A consulting forester works with private citizens, schools, municipalities, and other entities who own forestland.

Consultants help forest landowners with the planning and management of their forest or woodlot.

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources maintains a list of consulting foresters (PDF) who must meet certain training and educational criteria, along with other resources to guide you through the process.

Penn State Partnership

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry partners with Penn State Extension to offer information about management of woodlands.

The extension’s extensive research knowledge is made available to the public in publications, fact sheets, and workshops.

It also organizes the biennial, statewide Woodland Owners Conference, which began in 2013.​