Local Parks

Local parks enrich our lives and connect us to nature, recreation opportunities, and each other. For most Pennsylvanians, local parks serve as the primary venues for their outdoor recreation pursuits.


From small neighborhood pocket parks to larger county-level recreation areas, these locations are used for their close-to-home benefits

Local parks deliver opportunities for play and physical activities for residents of all ages and abilities, promote mental and spiritual well-being, and environmental stewardship.

Local parks often provide a sense of place and a gathering space, and are a reflection of the quality of life in a community.

Because local parks afford numerous social, environmental, and economic benefits, they are identified as a major priority in Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (PDF)—the blueprint for delivering outdoor recreation services through 2024.

DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation provides technical support and grant funding to help Pennsylvania communities realize the benefits of local parks.

Find a Local Park

There are more than 6,000 local parks that are go-to destinations for Pennsylvanians that are listed on an interactive map.

July Is Park and Recreation Month

Park and Recreation Month is celebrated annually in July to recognize the importance of parks and recreation. Visit the National Recreation and Park Association website for tips and tools to celebrate the month.

Resources for Developing and Maintaining Local Parks