Forbes State Forest

Cross-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing

​Cross-Country Skiing

A favorite winter activity on the Forbes State Forest is cross-country skiing. Blue-blazed trails denote trails maintained with skiing in mind. These trails generally have a wider trail corridor, and smoother tread than other trails.

Skiers will find more open and groomed trails in the North Woods Trail System, and more narrow and winding trails in our Laurel Mountain Trail System. In each trail system you’ll find a warming hut, complete with picnic tables and a wood stove.

Maps of the trail systems are available at the district office, or can be downloaded.

Northwoods Trail System Map (PDF)

Laurel Highlands Trail System Map (PDF)


Snowshoeing has been gaining in popularity in the Forbes State Forest, in recent years. Snowshoers can travel the many trails in the forest, or walk overland. For safety of both users, stay off the snowmobile trails.

Proper etiquette dictates that snowshoers don’t walk directly in the cross-country ski tracks. Maps showing our trail systems are available from the district office, or can be downloaded from our maps page.