During established seasons, about half of the park is open to:
Training of dogs
Hunting on the lake and surrounding area is prohibited.
Common game species are:
Hunting woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, is prohibited. Dog training is only permitted from the day following Labor Day through March 31 in designated hunting areas.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Pennsylvania Game Commission rules and regulations apply.
♿ Contact the park office for ADA accessible hunting information.
Firearms Safety
Use extreme caution with firearms at all times. Other visitors use the park during hunting seasons.
Firearms and archery equipment used for hunting may be uncased and ready for use only in authorized hunting areas during hunting seasons.
In areas not open to hunting or during non-hunting seasons, firearms and archery equipment shall be kept in the owner’s vehicle or enclosed trailer. Exceptions include law enforcement officers and individuals with a valid Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms are authorized to carry a firearm concealed on their person while they are within a state park.