Maurice K. Goddard State Park

Nearby Attractions

Information about Maurice K. Goddard State Park’s nearby attractions is available from Visit Mercer County.

Explore the Area

The town of Sandy Lake is located just to the south of the park and is named for the lake adjacent to the town. Other nearby towns include Mercer and Grove City, which is home to a college of the same name.

Learn about some of the area businesses and things to do from the Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce and the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce.

Nearby State Parks and Forests

Maurice K. Goddard State Park is close to several state parks, where visitors can enjoy recreation, education, and other activities.

Jennings Environmental Education Center

Jennings Environmental Education Center is one of several state parks specifically dedicated to providing environmental education and recreation to the community. A variety of programs that increase knowledge and awareness of the beauty and importance of our natural resources are available for children, teachers, and the general public.

One of the park’s main features, the 20-acre prairie ecosystem, is home to distinctive prairie plants and the endangered massasauga rattlesnake. The most noteworthy and spectacular prairie flower is the blazing star.

McConnells Mill State Park

The 2,546-acre McConnells Mill State Park is located in Lawrence County and encompasses part of the spectacular Slippery Rock Creek Gorge, which is a National Natural Landmark.

Created by the draining of glacial lakes thousands of years ago, the gorge has steep sides while the valley floor is littered with huge boulders. Scenic overlooks and waterfalls are popular natural attractions.

Popular recreational activities include hiking, picnicking, whitewater boating, fishing, hunting, climbing, and wildlife watching.

Moraine State Park

The 16,725-acre Moraine State Park features gently rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling waters that disguise a land that has endured the effects of continental glaciers and massive mineral extraction.

Each year, more than one million boaters, hikers, bikers, and swimmers visit the park, yet never realize that many people helped restore the park from prior coal mining and oil and gas drilling practices.

Today, the park is an outstanding example of environmental engineering achievement.

Pymatuning State Park

The 16,892-acre Pymatuning State Park is one of the largest state parks in the commonwealth. The 17,088-acre Pymatuning Reservoir is the largest lake in the commonwealth. Pymatuning is one of the most visited state parks in Pennsylvania.

Perhaps the biggest thing about Pymatuning is the fun you can have boating, fishing, swimming, camping, and enjoying other recreational opportunities. In addition to the state park facilities, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission operates a fish hatchery and visitor center, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission has wildlife viewing areas.

State Game Lands

State Game Lands 270, 130, 213 and 39 are located near the park, providing additional recreational opportunities.