Explore the Area
There are numerous charming communities surrounding Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center, and larger towns like Knauers, Shillington, Birdsboro, and Reading. In each you will find unique eateries and shops to explore.
Learn about some of the area businesses and things to do from the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance.
Nearby State Parks and Forests
Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center is close to two state parks and one state forest, where visitors can enjoy recreation, education, and other activities.
French Creek State Park
Once an industrial complex for the fledgling United States of America, today French Creek State Park is an oasis for people and wildlife.
Straddling the Schuylkill Highlands, the 7,730-acre park is the largest block of contiguous forest between Washington D.C. and New York City.
The forests, lakes, wetlands, and fields are a destination for the people of Southeast Pennsylvania to participate in recreational activities like hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, disc golfing, orienteering, and camping.
Marsh Creek State Park
The 1,727-acre Marsh Creek State Park is in the rolling hills of north central Chester County.
The park contains the 535-acre Marsh Creek Lake, which is a wonderful resource for fishing, sailing, and migrating waterfowl.
Other recreational activities include hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, and hunting.
William Penn State Forest
Named for the founder of “Penn’s Woods,” William Penn State Forest contains 1,683 acres in 10 separate tracts across southeastern Pennsylvania.
The forest protects and conserves unique Pennsylvania ecosystems, including Goat Hill Serpentine Barrens and Little Tinicum Island on the Delaware River.
The forest is popular for fishing, hunting, and sightseeing.
Other Nearby Outdoor Spaces and Natural Places
There are several other nearby outdoor spaces and natural places near Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center
The Schuylkill River is not far from the park.
The Birdsboro Preserve offers trails and great wildlife habitat.
The Monocacy Hill Recreation Area and Crow’s Nest Preserve are also within minutes of the park, providing ample room to explore outdoors.
Pennsylvania Heritage Areas
Heritage Areas protect, enhance, and promote Pennsylvania’s historic, natural, cultural, and scenic resources.
The Schuylkill River Greenways National Heritage Area is Pennsylvania’s first designated Scenic River.
It has been instrumental in shaping the nation’s heritage for more than 300 years, playing an important role in three revolutions: the American, Industrial, and Environmental.