Trail Definitions
Difficulty Ratings
Easiest -- For beginner trail users. Grade is gentle with few obstacles.
More Difficult -- For the majority of trail users. Grade is steeper and trails narrower with embedded rocks or roots on the trail surface.
Most Difficult -- For trail users with advanced skills. Grade is steep and provides a definite physical challenge. Routes may not be well marked. Elevation gain or loss is severe.
Trail Route Type
Loop -- Start and end at the same location and follow a single trail to form a loop.
Out-and-back -- Start and end at a trailhead and follow a single trail to an endpoint or specific point of interest, then return along the same route.
Point-to-point -- Trails are generally longer in distance and parks may often contain only a portion of the trail within their boundary. Hiker starts and ends in different locations, often requiring a shuttle.
Connector -- Begin and end in connection with another trail or trails but do not terminate at a trailhead.
Beaver Haven Nature Trail
1.3 miles in the park, 1.8 miles total | Easiest hiking | Loop trail | Blue and yellow blazes
Recreations permitted: hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing recommended, snowshoeing recommended
Trailhead amenities: modern restrooms, potable water, picnic tables, benches
This 1.8-mile loop travels through Campground 2, along Kettle Creek, into Susquehannock State Forest, then circles back through a CCC pine plantation, along many riparian wetlands and past a large beaver pond. It offers many options for shorter and longer loops and out and back hiking. It may be accessed in many locations throughout the park.
Castle Vista Trail
Recreations permitted: hiking
Trailhead amenities: benches
Accessed near the entrance to Campground 1, the Castle Vista Trail is short but steep. It leads to an overlook of the southern portion of the park. The foundation of Ole Bull's attempted homestead is visible at the vista.
Daugherty Loop Trail
Recreations permitted: hiking
Trailhead amenities: none
The 2-mile Daugherty Loop is accessed near the entrance to Campground 1. A section of this trail is in Susquehannock State Forest. This trail traverses the Ole Bull Run Valley, crosses a bridge and comes back up the other side. There are narrow sections and stairs along this trail.
Hemlock Swamp Trail
Recreations permitted: hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing recommended
Trailhead amenities: none
This multi-use trail is accessed near camper storage. It travels through the northern section of the park and showcases many riparian wetland areas that are home to our state tree, the Eastern Hemlock.
Susquehannock State Forest Snowmobile Trail
Recreations permitted: hiking, snowmobiling, mountain biking, equestrian
Trailhead amenities: modern restrooms, potable water, picnic tables, benches
This trail connects to over 200 miles of snowmobile trails within Susquehannock State Forest. It travels from Joerg Run Road, across SR 144, through Campground 2, behind the Park Office and Lodge, then through the day use area, across the driving bridge to the entrance of Campground 1 then out toward Hungry Hollow Road.
Susquehannock Trail System
Recreations permitted: hiking, backpacking
Trailhead amenities: non-flush restrooms, potable water, picnic tables, benches
The Susquehannock Trail System is an 85-mile loop trail that has a trailhead at the park. Register for overnight parking on the clipboard outside of the park office. Parking is permitted in the day-use parking lot. Please read posted regulations.