​​​​State Park Camping Prices

A non-refundable $6.50 transaction fee is charged per site on all backpacking/river camping site, campground site, or walled tent site reservation or registration. Transaction fees do not apply to dump station use charges.


Seniors (people 62 years old and over) and people with disabilities can get a reduced campsite price.

Backpacking/River Camping (Designated Sites Only)

Reservations can only be made for one night stay at each campsite/shelter area.

​FacilityTime Frame​​Resident PriceNon-resident Price​
​Campsite/Shelter​Per Night Per Person​$4.00​$5.00


During the summer season (Saturday before Memorial Day to Labor Day ), if a camping reservation includes a Saturday, a two-night minimum stay is required.

Campers may stay in a state park campground for up to 14 consecutive nights from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Campers may camp for up to 21 consecutive nights during the remainder of the year.

Campers must vacate and remove all equipment for 48 hours between reservations.

​Campsite​Time Frame​Resident Price​Non-resident Price​
​Base Price​Per Night​$16.00*​$21.00

Additional Charges to Base Campsite Price

​Additional ChargesTime Frame​Resident PriceNon-resident Price​
​Premium - Friday, Saturday, Holiday, Events​Per Night​$4.00​$4.00
​Modern (showers)Per Night​$4.00​$4.00
​Adirondack Shelter​Per Night​$2.00​$2.00
Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-u​nit Modern​Per Night​$12.00​$12.00
Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-unit Premium - Friday, Saturday, Holiday, EventsPer Night​$12.00$12.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 3-unit ModernPer Night​$12.00​$12.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 3​-unit Premium - Friday, Saturday, Holiday, Events​Per Night$12.00​$12.00

Campsite Amenities

​Site AmenitiesTime FrameResident Price​Non-resident Price​
​Electricity​Per Night​$7.00$7.00
​Water​Per Night​$8.00​$8.00
​Water and Sewer​Per Night in 2024​$13.00$13.00
Water and SewerPer Night in 2025​$14.00​$14.00
​Designated Pet CampsitePer Night​$2.00​$2.00
​Extra VehiclePer Night​$5.00$5.00
​Multi-campsite​Per Night$18.00​$21.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-unit Water and Sewer​Per Night in 2024​$26.00​$26.00
​​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-unit Water and Sewer​Per Night in 2025$28.00$28.00
Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-unit Electric​Per Night​$14.00$14.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 2-unit Pet FeePer Night$4.00​$4.00
Great Gathering Friends and Family: Multi-campsitePer Night​$36.00$36.00
Great Gathering Friends and Family: 3-unit Water and Sewer​Per Night​$39.00​$39​.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 3-unit Electric​Per Night$21.00$21.00
​Great Gathering Friends and Family: 3-unit Pet Fee​Per Night​$6.00​$6.00

Discounts to Campsite Price

​DiscountsTime Frame​Resident Price​​Non-resident Price​
​Weekly Discount (per 7 days)​Per Week​$15.00​$17.00
​Seniors (people 62 years old and over)/people with disabilities
​Per Night​$4.50​$4.50

Miscellaneous Camping Prices

​Miscellaneous CampingTime Frame or Service​​Resident PriceNon-resident Price​
​Camping Unit Storage​Per Week​$16.00​$16.00
​Camping Unit Storage​Per Night​$3.50​$3.50
​Camping Equestrian Site​Per Night​$19.00​$24.00
​Transient RV Overnight Camping (currently unavailable)​Per Night​$6.00​$6.00
​Dump Station for Non-camper​Per Use​$10.00​$11.00

Make state park reservations anytime. Call toll-free 888-PA-PARKS (888-727-2757) for state park information and reservations, from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday,​ except on the Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.