The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs maintains and collaborates on a number of data dashboards. These dashboards serve as a tool for accessing multiple sources of data in one place and displaying that data in ways that promote more efficient data-driven decision making and strategic planning.
Prevention Data
DDAP, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania State Data Center at Penn State Harrisburg, has gathered data around the topics of substance use and gambling behaviors, consumption, consequences, and risk and protective factors.
Stigma Data
Because stigma in substance and opioid use disorders is enacted on multiple levels, it can negatively impact every aspect of the disorder and its treatment, from individual health and recovery to provision of resources and treatment to policymaking.
Data from the Life Unites Us campaign, a collective effort of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, the Public Good Project, Shatterproof, and Penn State University, includes population-specific data indicators, survey results, county-based organizations involvement in the campaign in stigma reductions, and more.
Treatment Funding Data
DDAP’s program measures include the number of Single County Authority-funded individuals admitted to treatment each year, the number of licensed treatment facilities and their inpatient and outpatient capacity in Pennsylvania, and the number of Get Help Now hotline calls.
Additional Dashboards and Datasets
Fatal and Non-Fatal Drug Overdose Surveillance From the Office of Drug Surveillance and Misuse Prevention at the Pennsylvania Department of Health
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Interactive Data Report From the Office of Drug Surveillance and Misuse Prevention at the Pennsylvania Department of Health
Opioid Related Data Catalog From Open Data Pennsylvania
DDAP Data Catalog From Open Data Pennsylvania