For Professionals

Incoporated Documents

As applicable, these documents are incorporated by reference into contractual between providers and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP).  

Providers include but are to not limited to Single County Authorities (SCAs), grant initiative funding grantees, and gambling treatment providers.

Each document, as it is applicable to an individual contractual agreement, is identified below.

A. Standard General Terms and Conditions
B. Audit Requirements
C. Commonwealth Travel and Subsistence Rates
D. Federal Lobbying Certification and Disclosure
E. Minimum Personal Computer Hardware, Software, and Peripherals Requirements
F. Pro-Children Act of 1994
G. Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Provisions
H. Right to Know Law
I. Enhanced Minimum Wage Provisions
J. HIPAA Business Associate Agreement and Attachment 1
K. Executive Order 2021-06 Worker Protection and Investment
