DEP believes that it is vital for citizens to be informed about environmental issues in their communities, especially those issues that are of significant local interest and impact over an extended period of time. It is the purpose of the Community Involvement section to make information about major environmental issues within the 11 counties of northeastern Pennsylvania conveniently located and accessible to all residents.
Alliance Landfill
Arcadia Warehouse Project
Bethlehem Landfill Expansion
Betz Court Warehouse Project
Blue Ridge Real Estate, Lot #2 Project
BRADS Landfill
CES Landfill
Core 5 at Route 100 Warehouse Project
CORE 5 Monroe County Warehouse
Demi Road Warehouse Project
I-80 – 115 C1 Site Warehouse
Keystone Cement
Keystone Landfill
Natural Soil Products
Panther Creek Electric Generating Facility
River Pointe Logistics Center
Roaring Brook Sediment Release
Swiftwater Solar
Swoyersville Culm Bank Removal Project