Pennsylvania American Water has signed a Consent Order and Agreement with the department for a sediment release in Roaring Brook, Lackawanna County. The agreement also includes a Community Environmental Plan to enhance the recreational value of the stream.
PA American Water Consent Order and Agreement/Community Environmental Plan (PDF)
Alliance Landfill
Arcadia Warehouse Project
Bethlehem Landfill Expansion
Betz Court Warehouse Project
Blue Ridge Real Estate, Lot #2 Project
BRADS Landfill
CES Landfill
Core 5 at Route 100 Warehouse Project
CORE 5 Monroe County Warehouse
Demi Road Warehouse Project
I-80 – 115 C1 Site Warehouse
Keystone Cement
Keystone Landfill
Natural Soil Products
Panther Creek Electric Generating Facility
River Pointe Logistics Center
Swiftwater Solar
Swoyersville Culm Bank Removal Project
Northeast Community Information