Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc. has been permitted to install a 100 megawatt ground-mounted principal solar energy system across 12 parcels totaling approximately 1,066 acres in Fannett Township, Franklin County. The project improvements include solar arrays, access roads, a substation, and necessary stormwater management measures. The existing properties consist of primarily open agricultural land and woodlands.
Chapter 102
- Application Form
- General Information Form (GIF)
- Fannett Township Municipal Notification
- Franklin County Notification Form
- PA Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Receipt
- PA Fish and Boat Species Impact Review Letter
- PA Historical and Museum Commission Letter
- Module 1 - Erosion and Sedimentation Control Report
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Sheets
- Module 2 - Post Construction Stormwater Management Report
- Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan Sheets
- Drainage Area Delineation Maps
- Offsite Discharge Analysis
- Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan Sheets
- Geotechnical Engineering Report
- Module 3 - Antidegradation Analysis
- Wetland and Water Resources Delineation Report
- Wetland Discharge Analysis Report
- Wetland Discharge Location Plan Sheet
- Issuance Letter - Permit - Fact Sheet
Chapter 105
Chambersburg Waste Paper
Prologis West Hanover Township
Smithfield Township Rutter’s #93
Antis Township Rutters 82
Sherman’s Valley Aggregates
Brunner Island
Specialty Granules Quarry
Newberry Township PFC Site
Bivouac Permit Application
Modern Landfill NPDES or Solid Waste
Maiden Creek Warehouse
Pioneer Crossing Landfill
Clearview PFAS Site