Southeast Community Information

Bishop Tube

This page was last updated on February 7, 2025

Site Facts

Malin Road, south of U.S. Route 30, East Whiteland Township, Chester County

Hazardous Sites Cleanup Program (HSCA) Site Since:

Contaminants of Concern: 
Trichloroethene (TCE) its breakdown products, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), certain heavy metals, and other contaminants have been detected in soil, surface water, groundwater and/or indoor air at the Site

Historical Use:
Stainless steel tubes were manufactured from the 1950’s until 1999

Previous Property Owners and Operators:
Johnson Matthey Inc. (previously known as J. Bishop, Matthey Bishop) , Whittaker Corporation, Christiana Metals Corporation, Alloy Steel Corporation, Marcegaglia USA, Central & Western Chester County Industrial Development Authority

Current Property Owner:
Constitution Drive Partners L.P. (CDP)

On September 11, 2010 DEP facilitated the future
Remedial Response action(s) as defined in HSCA by placing the Site on Pennsylvania’s Priority List of Hazardous Sites for Remedial Response (“PAPL”)

DEP Project Officer:
Dustin Armstrong, 484-250-5723 or


  • The Bishop Tube HSCA Site consists of areas of groundwater, soil, and surface water contamination. Groundwater contamination at the Site flows beneath certain properties located along South Malin Road, Lancaster Avenue (US Rt. 30), Conestoga Road (PA Rt. 401), Morehall Road (PA Rt. 29), and Village Way.

  • The known sources of the contaminated groundwater and surface water and areas of contaminated soil are located on the former Bishop Tube property ("Source Property"), currently owned by CDP.

  • DEP's responsibility under the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act ("HSCA") is to select a remedy that is protective of human health and the environment and complies with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

What is being done to clean up the Site?

  • In September 2022, DEP selected a remedial response action to address soil, groundwater, surface water, and a residential drinking water supply.

  • DEP plans to remediate the Site to a combination of residential Act 2 standards, based on the anticipated end use of the Source Property. DEP divided the Site into three operable units ("OUs"). The selected remedy includes
    • Operable Unit 1 (OU1) - In Situ Chemical Oxidation and/or In Situ Chemical Reduction (PDF) ("ISCO/ISCR"), coupled with soil mixing to address unsaturated and saturated soils impacted by Site contaminants of concern ("COCs");
    • Operable Unit 2 (OU2) - In situ injection of ISCO, ISCR or bioremediation amendments in the two primary chlorinated solvent source areas to address contaminated groundwater with engineering, and/or institutional controls, and long-term monitoring; and
    • Operable Unit 3 (OU3) connection of the residence with an impacted domestic well to the existing public water line.
  • The total estimated present value cost of the final remedial response action is $8.1M.
  • The impacted residential property was connected to a public waterline in June 2023.

What's Next

  • Planning for additional pre-design investigation activities.

    Report an Environmental Health Concern

    While DEP is unaware of any confirmed environmental health issues related to the Site, some residents have expressed concerns to DEP. Pennsylvania residents with such concerns are encouraged to report environmental health concerns to the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), where they will be evaluated and referred to an appropriate program area for potential investigation and follow-up. Please indicate in your message that your concern is related to the Bishop Tube Site.

    Community Outreach

    Additional Information

    • East Whiteland Township utilized a Technical Evaluation Grant (TEG) pursuant HSCA to conduct an independent technical evaluation of the proposed remedial response at the Site.

    • On August 9, 2023  (PDF) DEP communicated to East Whiteland Township on certain aspects of Constitution Drive Partners, LP. Final Land Development Submission, dated June 2023.

    The administrative record which contains the information that forms the basis and documents the selection of the response action was available for public review and comment between September 24, 2021 and January 31, 2022.

    • Bishop Tube Administrative Record (PDF) 
      *Hard copies of the Administrative Record are also available for review in DEP’s Southeast Regional Office and the East Whiteland Township Municipal Building. Due to various limitations, such as size and reproducibility, as noted on the docket, a few records will be available only electronically.

    • August 24, 2021 - Soil Investigation for Certain Inorganic Constituents and Groundwater Investigation for VOCs and Certain Inorganic Constituents (PDF) Submitted by Roux Associates, Inc. on behalf of Johnson Matthey, Inc. and Whittaker to report results of soil sampling completed in May 2021 and groundwater sampling performed in June 2021. (This document was included in Part II of the Administrative Record for the Site but was not considered during preparation of the AOA.) Soil sampling was conducted to follow up prior detections of inorganic parameters and groundwater sampling was performed to evaluate VOC concentrations across the site area.

    • January 28, 2022 - Recent Regulatory Updates and Laboratory Data Package Correction (PDF) - Submitted by Roux Associates, Inc. on behalf of Johnson Matthey Inc. and Whittaker to acknowledge updates to Pennsylvania Code, Title 25, Chapters 93 and 250 and to provide updated laboratory analytical data for a soil sample collected in May 2021. The update resulted from an internal audit performed by Roux’s analytical subcontractor.

    • April 1, 2022 - PFAS Sampling Results (PDF) – Sampling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) conducted by Roux Associates, Inc. on behalf of Johnson Matthey Inc. and Whittaker.

    ✓ Completed Steps,  ★ Current Step,  ● Next Steps

    ✓  Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS)1/13/2021
    Remedial Response Action Proposal9/24/2021
    Public Hearing11/9/2021
    Response to Public Comments9/8/2022
    Signature of the Statement of Decision (SOD)9/12/2022
    Closing of the Administrative Record9/21/2022
    Work Plan for OU-3 (Public Waterline) Implementation1/6/2023
    Remedial Action: OU-3 (Public Waterline) Construction and ConnectionMay and June 2023
    Public MeetingSeptember 12, 2023
    Data Gap & Preliminary IC/EC Pre–-Design & OU1 Remedial Design Investigation Work PlanEst. Summer 2025
    Pre-Remedial Design  & OU1 Remedial Design Investigation ActivitiesEst. Winter 2025
    Remedial Design (RD) - During the Remedial Design phase, the plans for the cleanup method are carefully designed. The Remedial Design is based on the cleanup method described in the SOD.TBD
    Remedial Action (RA) - The Remedial Action (RA) starts the actual cleanup at a site.TBD
    Operation and Maintenance (O&M) ActivitiesTBD

    Community Updates

    To subscribe to updates, please send an email to:

    Please indicate in the subject line or text of the email that you’d like to receive updates related to the Bishop Tube HSCA Site.

    Additional Contact Information 

    To schedule an appointment to review files associated with the Bishop Tube site and project, please call the Norristown Office at 484-250-5910.

    Please direct correspondence or inquiries to one of the following:

    Project Information: 
    Dustin Armstrong,
    Project Officer &

    Community and Media Relations: 

    Stephanie Berardi,
    Regional Communications Manager

    Adam Bram,
    Regional Counsel

    Robert E. McDivitt III,
    Assistant Counsel

    Legislative Inquiries: 
    Lisa Strobridge, PG,
    Local Government Liaison