Southeast Community Information

SPS Technologies

This page was last updated on February 21, 2025.

Site Facts

Abington Township, Montgomery County 

Site Location:
SPS Technologies, 301 Highland Ave, Jenkintown, PA 19046

What Happened

On February 17, 2025, a fire broke out at SPS Technologies, a manufacturing company in Jenkintown that produces fasteners and other materials for the aviation industry, located at at 301 Highland Avenue in Abington Township, Montgomery County. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and DEP both dispatched emergency response personnel to the scene to help monitor air and water quality and to assist the county and municipality as needed.

For updates on any guidance from local authorities and information about help for affected Pennsylvanians, please visit Abington Township’s website for this incident at

Commonwealth Response

Representatives from the Shapiro Administration, including PEMA and DEP, remain on site and are coordinating with township and county responders to help monitor air and water quality. Governor Shapiro has been actively engaged with local authorities and continues to be in touch with leaders in Abington.

DEP has coordinated its emergency response with other agencies including the EPA, Montgomery and Chester County hazmat teams.

DEP Emergency Response Team personnel remain on site. SPS is actively pumping water used to put out the fire into holding tanks to prevent any material from entering Tookany Creek. The wastewater treatment facility on site is still operational and unaffected by the fire, and will be utilized to treat the fire water before it is sent to PWD for disposal.

There remain no concerns for air quality or drinking water.

The fire has largely been extinguished. Firefighters continue to address remaining hot spots and prevent further flare ups. Once the fire has been fully extinguished, emergency response operations demobilized, and the building cleared for entry, DEP will initiate follow-up inspections. Both DEP and DEP-certified third-party inspectors will assess the facility's storage tanks, ensure the proper disposal of any remaining chemicals and debris, supervise the removal of asbestos, and collaborate with SPS on the development of future plans for the site.

Water Quality

Drinking water supplies are not at risk. Samples taken from the Delaware River did not detect any chemicals of concern. DEP and Philadelphia Water Department continue to monitor the creek and river.

DEP and the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) have conducted initial sampling of Tookany Creek; preliminary samples collected by DEP indicated low levels of chemicals of concern were found in the creek immediately downstream of the fire. DEP re-sampled the creek on February 19, 2025; testing will be ongoing for as long as needed and DEP will provide updates as testing occurs.

There are no drinking water intakes from Tookany Creek downstream of the fire. The nearest drinking water intake is several miles upstream of the confluence of Tookany Creek and the Delaware River. PWD is monitoring the situation and will take action if necessary.

Final sample results from DEP will be posted here when available.

Air Quality

Air quality monitors have not detected any chemicals of concern in the air outside of the facility. DEP and EPA will continue to monitor air quality.

DEP is coordinating with the EPA on air quality monitoring. EPA has two fixed sites for air monitoring in the community southeast (downwind) of the facility. One monitoring location is on the railroad tracks between the plant and the houses approximately 100 meters southeast of the plant and the second location is next to the Jenkintown Middle/High school complex. Bucks County’s Hazmat Team also conducted roving monitoring with handheld meters.

  • The air monitoring is being conducted for:  Particulate matter (PM 10, 4, 2.5) Hydrogen Cyanide, Chlorine, Volatile Organic Compounds, Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfuric Acid

Official laboratory reports are pending and will be uploaded when they become available.

The EPA and DEP will continue to monitor air and water conditions to ensure public safety. No hazards have been detected in the area surrounding the fire and the area has been deemed safe. 

Report an Environmental Health Concern

Montgomery County residents with an environmental health concern are encouraged to contact the  Montgomery County Office of Public Health.

Pennsylvanians with environmental health related questions can contact the PA Department of Health (PA DOH), where they will be evaluated and referred to an appropriate program area for potential investigation and follow-up.

SPS Technologies Community Contacts

Hotline: 215-572-3326 

Contact Information 

DEP Site Related Questions:
DEP SERO’s Waste Management Program:

DEP Community and Media Relations: 
Stephanie Berardi 
Regional Communications Manager 
484-250-5808 or

DEP Legislative Inquiries: 
Lisa Strobridge P.G. 
Local Government Liaison 
484-250-5817 or

Municipality Information:  
SPS Technologies Fire Information | Abington Township, PA