What’s New
On March 3, 2025, DEP executed an amendment to the November 18, 2024 COA. The document can be found in the Compliance / Enforcement section below.
On January 21, 2025, DEP issued the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. More information, including the associated permitting and Public Comment Response document can be found in the Permitting / Approvals section below.
Neiswonger Construction, Inc. is proposing a new, noncoal, underground mine and has applied for a mining permit and water discharge permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The 336.7-acre underground mine is proposed to be located along both sides of Morey Road (State Route 2041), south of Buckingham Road (State Route 2024), north of Pump Station Road and north and east of Arnold Road (T-648) in Deemston Borough, Washington County. The site address of the facility is 1994 Morey Road, Clarksville, PA 15322 with access off the west side of Morey Road, approximately 700 feet north of its intersection with Pump Station Road.
If approved by DEP, the proposed Maggie Lynn Underground Mine permit would encompass and replace the existing Maggie Lynn Quarry surface mining permit [No. 63100401] and its associated individual NPDES permit [PA0252034], which were originally issued October 4, 2012. If the new Maggie Lynn Underground Mine permit and NPDES permit are issued by DEP, the Maggie Lynn Quarry and its NPDES permit would no longer exist as separate permits.
The proposed mining activity would include expansion of existing surface mine pits, development of portal entries for underground mining by room and pillar method, and potential development of a new pit area for additional portal installation in the future. These activities would include blasting operations, which are subject to DEP regulations. The surface activities associated with the underground mining permit would take place on approximately 90 acres and consist of processing of the Benwood Limestone extracted during the surface pit enlargements/portal opening and from underground mining activities. The processing activities would include trucking, dumping, screening, crushing, and stockpiling of the Benwood Limestone produced from mining. At such point when the portals are open, the mining operation would transition solely underground with 256.6 acres to be mined underground. The processing activities on the surface (trucking, dumping, screening, crushing, stockpiling of Benwood Limestone) would continue throughout the life of the operation, which is currently estimated to be approximately 30 to 35 years.
After the underground mining is completed, the applicant’s plans are to utilize the underground room and pillar workings as storage facilities. Reclamation would occur within certain areas; however, some portal entries would remain for the underground storage operation. Reclamation would occur in accordance with the approved reclamation plan. Neiswonger Construction, Inc. would be required to secure bonding adequate to reclaim the site.
The proposed location of this mine is within a half mile of East Bethlehem Township, which is an environmental justice (EJ) area. When this type of permit is submitted for an EJ area, the DEP engages in enhanced public outreach as described in the current EJ Public Participation Policy. More on environmental justice can be found below.
Permitting / Approvals
Air Quality Permitting
On August 29, 2020, DEP published notice of issuance of general permit (GP-3 portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant and GP-11 nonroad engines) associated with the site.
- Pennsylvania Bulletin public notice (begins on page 4444)
On June 18, 2022, DEP published notice of issuance of a GP-3 that replaced the two general permits listed above. The updated general permit reflects updated sources and a conversion from diesel to electric-powered processing equipment.
- Pennsylvania Bulletin public notice (begins on page 3503)
Surface Mining Permit (SMP) and Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting
On February 7, 2019, Neiswonger Construction, Inc. submitted pre-applications for a new, noncoal, underground mining permit with associated surface activities [No. 63192001] and an individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit [No. PA0278360]. DEP reviewed the pre-applications, held a pre-application meeting with Neiswonger Construction, Inc. on September 17, 2019, and issued a pre-application comment letter on September 19, 2019.
On December 27, 2021, in response to the pre-application comments, Neiswonger Construction, Inc. submitted applications for a new noncoal underground mining permit with associated surface activities [No. 63192001] and an individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit [No. PA0278360], which are currently under review by DEP. A NPDES permit is required for any point source discharge to waters of the Commonwealth and is a key component of nearly all mining activity permits.
The NPDES application includes one outfall from one pond, which would receive all surface water runoff and any drainage or pumped water from the underground mine. Neiswonger Construction, Inc. proposes that the site would discharge treated water (after settling of sediment) into Tenmile Creek, classified as a trout-stocked fishery (TSF) within the Monongahela River Watershed. The current Maggie Lynn Quarry permit pond would continue to be utilized by the Maggie Lynn Underground Mine permit upon renovation/enlargement. The Tri County Joint Municipal Authority public water supply intake is located on the Monongahela River within 10 miles downstream from the point of discharge.
On March 10, 2023, DEP issued a technical deficiency letter (TDL). On April 13, 2023, DEP provided the following update to its TDL.
- Technical Deficiency Letter (PDF)
- Update to TDL (PDF)
On June 16, 2023, DEP received a response to its TDL and updated modules, which can be found in the Application Documents section below.
- TDL Response (PDF)
On October 16, 2023, DEP sent a second TDL.
DEP approved an extension request and awaits a response to this letter by December 4, 2023. The technical review of the application is ongoing.
On December 1, 2023, DEP received a response to its second TDL and updated modules, which can be found in the Application Documents section below.
- Second TDL Response (PDF)
On March 18, 2024, DEP sent a third TDL.
On April 30, 2024, DEP received responses to its third TDL and updated modules, which can be found in the Application Documents section below.
- Third TDL Response (PDF)
On June 26, 2024, DEP send a fourth TDL.
On July 21, 2024, DEP received a response to its fourth TDL and updated modules, which can be found in the Application Documents section below.
- Fourth TDL Response (PDF)
In the August 3, 2024, edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin, DEP published effluent limits for a draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, which authorizes discharges from the proposed mine.
- Draft NPDES Permit (PDF)
- Draft NPDES Fact Sheet (PDF)
On November 8, 2024, DEP sent a fifth TDL.
On December 5, 2024, DEP received a response to its fifth TDL and updated modules, which can be found in the Application Documents section below.
- Fifth TDL Response (PDF)
On January 21, 2025, DEP issued the NPDES and mining permits.
- Permit Issuance Cover Letter (PDF)
- Mining Permit (PDF)
- NPDES Permit (PDF)
On March 12, 2025, DEP approved a minor revision to the underground permit that activates Pit 3 of the facility.
- Minor Permit Revision (PDF)
Permitting Activities Summary and Checklist
During the technical review of this permit application, DEP staff evaluate the application with regards to potential impacts to the surrounding area and whether those impacts relate to land, water, or air. Some of the key items that are evaluated include:
- area of impact (permit boundary, mining area(s), wetlands),
- surface water and ground water quality (including private water supplies) with-in 1,000’ of the proposed permit area,
- public water supply intakes downstream of the proposed site,
- water monitoring plan – which includes wells and monitoring points upstream and downstream of the proposed permit site,
- site geology and hydrogeology,
- air quality and noise evaluation,
- erosion and sedimentation controls,
- water treatment techniques,
- NPDES application (to assign effluent discharge limits),
- mining plan and procedures (including excavation, utilities protection, topsoil handling),
- required bonding for proposed activity,
- proposed reclamation plan, and
- land use of the site both pre and post mining.
These evaluations are done to determine if the proposed activity can be performed in a manner that is consistent with existing environmental laws, regulations, and mining practices. When deficiencies are found, DEP will communicate with and provide the applicant with an opportunity to supplement or revise the application to conform with the laws and regulations. If an application cannot be revised to conform with the standards listed above, DEP may request that the applicant withdraw their application or deny the application.
Key completed, current, and upcoming activities in the permitting process are listed below to help illustrate our process. Some activities may occur simultaneously.
✓ = Completed Steps, ★ = Current Step, ● = Next Steps
✓ Administrative Completeness Review
✓ Initial Public Notifications
✓ Accepted for Technical Review
✓ Production of technical deficiency letter (TDL), if necessary
✓ Review of applicant’s response to TDLs
✓ Technical Review of the Applications
✓ Pennsylvania Bulletin publication of draft NPDES limits
✓ (30-day public comment period follows publication)
✓ NPDES application package to EPA (EPA comments due 30 days later)
✓ Public hearing
✓ Review of public comments and additional review of application, if necessary
✓ Finalize Public Comment Response Document
✓ Permit Decision
Application Documents
- Module 7 (PDF)
- Geological Cross Sections (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision – Geologic Cross Section (PDF)
- Clyde Mine Map (PDF)
- Greater Pittsburgh Region Structure Contour Map (PDF)
- Geologic Map of the Ellsworth and Mather Quadrangle (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision - Module 7 (PDF)
- June 2023 Submission - Allegheny County Section Map (PDF)
- June 2023 Submission – Ellsworth Quad Geologic Map (PDF)
- June 2023 Submission – Mather Quad Geologic Map (PDF)
- Module 10 (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision – Module 10 (PDF)
- December 2023 Revision – Module 10 (PDF)
- April 2024 Revision - Module 10 (PDF)
- July 2024 Revision – Module 10 (PDF)
- Module 14 (PDF)
- Cross Sections of Tenmile Creek (PDF)
- UNT D Stream Crossing (PDF)
- UNT E South Branch (PDF)
- UNT E Stream Crossing and Wetland Sections (PDF)
- Cross Sections of Relocated/Reconstructed UNT E (PDF)
- Profile of Relocated/Reconstructed UNT E (PDF)
- Relocated/Reconstructed UNT E Typicals (PDF)
- June 2023 Submission – Module 14 (PDF)
- December 2023 Submission – Module 14 (PDF)
- December 2023 Submission - Relocated/Reconstructed UNT E Typicals (PDF)
- Module 15 (PDF)
- Recommended Sources of Mine Map Information (PDF)
- Mine Map Validation (PDF)
- Mine Development Map (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision – Module 15 (PDF)
- December 2023 Revision – Module 15 (PDF)
- April 2024 Revision – Module 15 (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision – Mine Development Map (PDF)
- December 2023 Revision – Mine Development Map (PDF)
- April 2024 Revision – Mine Development Map (PDF)
- Module 16 (PDF)
- Blasting Map (PDF)
- June 2023 Revision – Blasting Map (PDF)
- December 2023 Revision – Blasting Map (PDF)
- Module 21 (PDF)
- December 2023 Revision Module 21 (PDF)
A paper copy of the permit application and other associated documents can be found at the following locations. Please visit the webpages for each location for hours, additional information and to make an appointment.
DEP New Stanton District Mining Office
131 Broadview Road
New Stanton, PA 15672
Washington County Conservation District
50 Old Hickory Ridge Road, Suite 1
Washington, PA 15301
Compliance / Enforcement
On October 23, 2024 and November 18, 2024, DEP executed consent orders and agreements (COA) with Neiswonger Construction to address air quality and mining violations at the existing Maggie Lynn Quarry surface mining facility.
Air Quality
On October 23, 2024, DEP executed a COA with Neiswonger Construction to address documented fugitive emission violations at the facility. The COA requires Neiswonger to submit a state-only operating permit application for the facility, complete other corrective actions to prevent fugitive emissions, and pay a $35,700 civil penalty.
- October 23, 2024 - COA (PDF)
On November 18, 2024, DEP executed a COA with Neiswonger Construction to address mining violations which include operating outside of its permit boundary and failing to construct adequate erosion and sedimentation controls. The agreement requires the operator to both seek permitting and approvals for an area where offsite mining occurred and reclaim another area, construct erosion and sedimentation controls, submit a wetland mitigation plan, and pay a $3,000 civil penalty.
- November 18, 2024 - COA (PDF)
On March 3, 2025, DEP executed an amendment to the November 18, 2024 COA.
Public Participation
DEP posted notice that it had received the surface mine permit and NPDES applications in the January 29, 2022 edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin, which began a 30-day public comment period.
- Pennsylvania Bulletin public notice (begins on page 753)
A public notice regarding the Maggie Lynn Underground Mine application was published in the Observer-Reporter on January 19 and 26, 2022, and February 2 and 9, 2022. The last publication date of February 9, 2022 began a 30-day public comment period which ended March 11, 2022. A revised noticed was published in the January 16, 23, and 30, 2024, and February 6, 2024, editions of the Observer-Reporter.
- 2024 Newspaper Notice (PDF)
DEP published effluent limits for a draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, which authorizes discharges from the proposed mine, in the August 3, 2024, edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. This notice begins a 30-day public comment period.
On January 21, 2025, DEP issued a Public Comment Response document to address public comments provided during comment periods and testimony received at the public hearing.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, DEP held a public information meeting for interested individuals to learn more about the proposed activity and ask questions of DEP permitting staff.
Representatives from DEP presented information on the permit review process, displayed maps onscreen, discussed the application, and answered questions.
On Monday, August 26, 2024, at 6:00 PM, DEP will hold a public hearing to receive testimony on the mining permit application and draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
The hearing will take place at the East Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire Company, 503 Front Street, Fredericktown, PA 15333.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to present up to three minutes of oral testimony relevant to the draft permit. Time permitting, those who did not register in advance will be given the opportunity to testify. The hearing may conclude earlier if all testifiers in attendance have spoken prior to the designated end time.
Those wishing to register for the public hearing must contact Emily Green, Southwest Regional Environmental Justice Coordinator, by email at emgreen@pa.gov or by calling 412-442-4042 at least 24 hours before the hearing. DEP requests that organizations designate one spokesperson to present testimony on their behalf. Individuals should provide a copy of their testimony and exhibits for submission to DEP at the hearing. Submitted materials are not limited in length and must include the name, address, and phone number of the person submitting them. DEP will equally consider all comments, whether delivered orally during the hearing or submitted in writing.
Individuals wishing to attend who require an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodations to participate should contact Lauren Camarda. The Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service is available by calling 1-800-654-5984 (TTD users) or 1-800-654-5988 (voice users) and request that the call be relayed to Lauren Camarda at 412-442-4203.
Contact Information
If you have questions about this application or DEP’s application review process, please contact:
Chad Meyer
Environmental Program Manager
DEP New Stanton District Mining Office
If you have questions about environmental justice, please contact:
Emily Green
Community Coordinator
DEP Office of Environmental Justice
More Information
Mining Resources
DEP has information sheets and resources to help inform the public of their rights and DEP’s processes:
- A Citizen’s Guide to the Mining Permit Application Process (PDF)
- Noncoal Frequently Asked Questions
- Noncoal/Industrial Minerals Mining
Environmental Justice
This proposed location of this mine is within a half mile of East Bethlehem Township, which is an environmental justice (EJ) area. When this type of permit is submitted for an EJ area, DEP engages in enhanced public outreach as described in the current EJ Public Participation Policy. EJ Areas are mapped on DEP’s EJ Areas Viewer at dep.pa.gov/EJViewer. More information on environmental justice can be found on DEP’s webpage.
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Community Information