About DEP

Communications Contacts

The DEP Communications department is ready to serve news media and researchers with inquiries, file reviews, and Right-to-Know Law requests. Please see the links below for more information. 

General Phone: (717) 787-1323

Email: RA-EPNEWS@pa.gov

Central Office Contacts

Director of Communications Malik L. Boyd
Press Secretary Neil Shader
Deputy Press Secretary John Repetz
Press Assistant Vacant​
Deputy Communications Director Vacant
Digital Director Angela Faulkner
Deputy Digital Directors​​​​ Anwar Curtis Darek Jagiela
Administrative Assistant Kendra Deibert

Regional Communications Managers

Southwest Regional Office
Email: Lauren Camarda

South-central Regional Office
Email: John Repetz

Southeast Regional Office
Email: Stephanie Berardi

Northeast Regional Office
Email: Colleen Connolly

North-central Regional Office
Email: Megan Lehman

Northwest Regional Office
Email: Thomas Decker
