DEP Newsroom

DEP Provides Update on Lancaster County Plane Crash Cleanup

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to monitor the cleanup effort in the aftermath of Sunday’s aircraft accident in Manheim Township, Lancaster County. Shortly after takeoff, a single engine aircraft crashed into a parking lot of the Brethren Village. The crash caused the plane and several cars to ignite and burn. One of the 12 vehicles involved was a hybrid that has a lithium battery.

DEP sent an emergency response team to respond, and staff have been on site since yesterday to monitor fuel runoff. The plane had a maximum capacity of 120 gallons of Jet A fuel. Thirty gallons of fuel was recovered from one of the wings. While some of the fuel likely burned in the fire, an unknown amount discharged with the firefighting runoff to a nearby storm drain, traveled through stormwater pipes, and discharged into a stormwater basin. An environmental contractor is cleaning up the fuel in the stormwater system.

Firefighters estimated they used 2,000 gallons of water with non-PFAS foam. No surface waters were affected. The environmental contractor provided initial containment overnight to prevent any further fuel runoff. Once investigators clear the scene, the contractor will proceed with long-term cleanup efforts. DEP staff will continue to monitor and provide updates on the environmental cleanup.

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