Find basic information on how facilities in Pennsylvania are complying with environmental regulations including inspection results, violations, orders, and penalties as well as pollution prevention efforts.
Environmental Facility Application Compliance Tracking System (newly expanded version of what was formerly called the DEP Compliance Reporting System).
- EPA's Environmental Justice Query Mapper
Provides public access to information on permitted facilities (location, types of releases) and their surrounding communities (race, age, education, income).
- Dry Cleaner Compliance Calendar (2700-UK-DEP2642)
For more information on the calendar, e-mail Nancy Herb.
Continuous Emission Monitoring
Emission Inventory
Small Business Assistance
Natural Gas Industry Testing and Source Testing Section
Air Quality Permit Information
Regulations & Clean Air Plans
Air Quality Technical Guidance
Toxic Release Reporting
Annual Reporting for the VOC Rules for Oil & Natural Gas Sources
Business Topics