The Bureau of Air Quality uses "discrete" or manual method monitoring for two Criteria Pollutants(opens in a new tab) - Lead and PM2.5. A discrete method is generally a "manual" method of sampling, most commonly using an air filter to trap air pollutants from ambient air for a defined, or "discrete," period of time. The filter is then removed from the collection site and analyzed in a DEP-accredited laboratory. PA DEP's monitoring strategy generally requires the installation of monitors in areas under PA DEP's jurisdiction having high population density and/or high levels of contaminants, based on EPA guidance and population information from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Monitoring data for discrete-method monitors are available below.

2023 Quarterly Data

Choose from the links below to get a report, by quarter, of the latest available 24-hour concentrations for the DEP's filter-based lead and PM2.5 data. Please note that concentration data for 2023 may undergo further QA/QC analyses before it is finalized by May 1, 2024.
QuarterPDF Summary
Jan–MarLead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)
April-JuneLead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)
July-SepLead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)
Oct-DecLead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)

Concentration Data By Year

Choose from the links below to get a report, by year, of 24-hour concentrations for the DEP's filter-based lead, and PM2.5 data.
YearPDF Summary
2023Lead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)
2022Lead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)
2021Lead(opens in a new tab)PM2.5(opens in a new tab)

Concentration Data By Year – Palmerton, PA

Choose from the links below to get a report, by year, of 24-hour concentrations for the DEP's filter-based criteria lead data at its two monitoring sites in Palmerton, PA. The Palmerton lead monitor began operating in July 2012. The Palmerton High School lead monitor began operating in May 2020.
YearPDF Summary
2023Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2022Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2021Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2020Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2019Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2018Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2017Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2016Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2015Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2014Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2013Lead(opens in a new tab) 
2012Lead(opens in a new tab)