Various options are available to submit applications, forms, notifications, and fees. Please see the Electronic Submissions page.

The Bureaus of Mining Programs and District Mining Operations are now accepting digital uploads of most forms and notifications via the Public Upload with Payment option. You do not need an account to send information and fees for permits and licenses. Secure application and monitoring submittals using Greenport is still encouraged where possible. For all other submittals, please use the digital upload.

Mining-specific instructions are provided here. All operators and consultants should review the instructions carefully before submitting documents.

Questions can be directed to

A PA GreenPort account is required to use epermitting and to submit reports online. Each account can be associated with one or more permittees, across multiple programs (mining, air, water). Set up a GreenPort account by going to PA GreenPort. See also: Creating a Greenport account.

Please note that the GreenPort can run slowly during peak reporting times.

Digital availability

The mining program has the following digital submittal options available:

Permits (epermitting):

  • Bituminous Surface Mining Permit (in lieu of form 5600-PM-BMP0311)
  • Preapplication for Bituminous Surface Mining Permit
  • Coal Notice of Intent to Explore (in lieu of form 5600-FM-BMP0092

Monitoring and reporting:

  • NPDES (and GP-104) Discharge Monitoring Reports (eDMR/WMS) – Electronic reporting is mandatory
  • Annual Production Reporting (through epermitting)
  • Hydrologic Monitoring Reports (through epermitting)

Applications and submittals not available through the e-Permitting platform can be submitted via public upload​.

Electronic File Administrator

The person or persons that can submit applications and reports are called an EFA (Electronic File Administrator). Every permittee should have at least one EFA.

An EFA can be the operator, an employee, or a person designated by the permit holder. Operators are encouraged to carefully consider the advantages, and possible disadvantages, of designating EFAs who are outside of their company. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that an EFA is always designated, and to notify Bureau of Mining Programs IMMEDIATELY if a designated EFA has left the company or if their role within the company has changed. The EFA also has the responsibility to designate other Users (such as “Preparer”) for various roles. The directions to designate these roles are found here.

There are different registration processes for epermitting applications and for eDMR. All operators who have an NPDES permit are required to register to submit electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (eDMRs) through the eDMR Mining application. All other digital submittals are through the epermitting application.

Registering for eDMR

To become an EFA, the person must have an account through the GreenPort and submit an Electronic File Administrator (EFA) Registration form. The original form can be scanned and sent to to start the process. But the original form must be physically mailed to the following address:

PA Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Mining Programs
PO Box 8461
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Attn: EDMR

Once the EFA is approved and the account is linked, the eDMRs for each client’s permits will be available for completion through the eDMR Mining application.

Paper reporting for Discharge Monitoring Reports are no longer accepted. Online reporting for GP-104 NPDES permits is also required even if there is no discharge.

EDMRs submissions follow Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, and Monthly schedules, based on permit conditions. EFAs are strongly encouraged to submit sample results as soon as they are received. System-generated emails inform EFAs of eDMR status. However, it is strongly encouraged that EFAs maintain their own tracking schedule to avoid reporting errors/late submissions. It is VITAL that accurate and current email addresses be maintained.

Send questions and issues to

Other Designees

EFAs are encouraged to have other designees complete a User Registration and Security Agreement for eDMR Mining (5600-FM-BMP0497). This form is provided for record keeping purposes and does not need to be submitted to the Department.

eDMR guides

Registering for epermitting

All other digital submittals other than NPDES-related discharge monitoring reports use the epermitting application. A person registered as an EFA under eDMR will not automatically have the same access for epermitting. Registration for ePermitting is done online and does not require submission of paper forms to the Department. The directions on completing the registration process can be found here.

Questions about digital submission of mining permit applications and reports can be directed via email to

Hydrologic Monitoring Reports (epermitting)

Submittal of required hydrologic monitoring reports (stream, groundwater sampling, etc.) for existing permits is encouraged to be completed digitally. Permittees submit the data via spreadsheet sampled at the frequencies stated in the mining permit. HMRs can be submitted on a quarterly basis for each permit. The access ID is the mining license number and the dropdown option will show all the permits available under that mining license.

HMR guides

Please note: Spreadsheets should include background data from previous quarters and be cumulative each quarter. One spreadsheet should contain all data. Use tabs/sheets for each monitoring point in one file. The HMR process also allows additional monitoring reports to be submitted along with HMRs if the appropriate extra boxes are selected.

Annual Production Reports (epermitting)

Submittal of annual production reports is also under the ePermitting reporting for all operation types. Digital submittal is strongly encouraged. Annual reports are due by the end of January. The due date for submission of Mine Employment and Production Reports for calendar year 2023 is January 21, 2024.

Production report guides

eMine Operator

Mine operator license renewals can be done online through GreenPort only if the operator requests access through the Bureau of Mining Programs and completing the Mine Operator License Renewal Request for Security Access form. New license applications are not available for completion online.

eMine guides

Other Electronic Data Submission

For application submittals not available on the ePermitting platform, operators are encouraged to submit via the OnBase upload.

Parts of any application available on eLibrary in spreadsheet format should be submitted in xls format. Maps can be submitted as layered PDF files.

Digital files may be uploaded to a shared location in coordination with the District Mining Office. Contact the appropriate DMO to arrange an upload. CDs are no longer accepted.

Paper copies of the following may be required:

  • Original, recorded Consents of Landowner
  • Signature/notarized sections of the application
  • Large maps (1 copy unless otherwise instructed or waived)
