Permit | Description |
WMGR003 (PDF) | Beneficial use of spent fired "ceramic" wastes (i.e., colloidal silica) generated from the lost wax casting process by a ferrous metal foundry, (Standard Industrial Classification Code 3324), as an aggregate, road base material, pipe bedding material or as a roadway construction material. |
WMGR011 (PDF) | Reconditioning of spent ethylene glycol antifreeze using a mobile processing unit. |
WMGR017 (PDF) | Beneficial use of drinking water plant treatment sludge for use as a soil additive on agricultural lands. |
WMGR019 (PDF) | Beneficial use of waste foundry sand from ferrous and nonferrous casting foundries, system dust generated by ferrous metal casting foundries; or slag and refractories generated by ferrous metal casting foundries for use as roadway construction material, a component or ingredient in the manufacturing of concrete or asphalt products, a soil additive or soil substitute, and non-roadway construction. |
WMGR023 (PDF) | Reconditioning of waste oil for reuse by generator. |
WMGR024 (PDF) | Processing and recycling spent cleaning solvent back to original form. |
WMGR025 (PDF) | Composting and beneficial use of the following source-separated wastes: agricultural waste other than mortalities, butcher waste other than whole carcass, food processing waste, pre-consumer and post-consumer food residuals, yard waste, land clearing and grubbing material, untreated wood waste, gypsum wallboard, paper, cardboard, waxed cardboard, virgin paper mill sludge and spent mushroom substrate. The beneficial uses of the finished compost approved in this permit are for use, marketing or distribution as a soil conditioner, soil amendment, fertilizer, mulch or for erosion control. The finished compost is not considered a waste when it has satisfied the conditions of this permit and is ready for use, marketing or distribution as a soil conditioner, soil amendment, fertilizer, mulch or for erosion control. |
WMGR028 (PDF) | Beneficial use of baghouse fines and/or scrubber pond precipitates, generated by hot-mix asphalt plants, for use as: (i) an aggregate in roadway construction, (ii) a soil additive, (iii) a soil conditioner, or (iv) a component or ingredient in the manufacturing of construction products. |
WMGR029 (PDF) | Operation of transfer facility for the processing of waste oil (including waste oil mixed with hazardous waste), spent antifreeze, used oil filters and waste oil/water mixture. |
WMGR031 (PDF) | Retorting of metallic grinding swarfs and spent catalysts. |
WMGR038 (PDF) | Processing waste tires and tire-derived material for fuel and consumer products. |
WMGR039 (PDF) | Processing prior to beneficial use of the operation of a transfer facility and rail transloading facility for the processing of waste oil, waste oil/water mixtures, and asphalt condensate. |
WMGR040 (PDF) | Processing of waste oil (including waste oil mixed with hazardous waste), spent antifreeze and waste oil/water mixtures from motor vehicles to rail cars for transport (rail transloading). |
WMGR046 (PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of drinking water treatment sludges, yard waste, bark ash, coal ash, agricultural residues, waste cardboard and paper, sludge generated by paper of pulp mills, waste from vegetable food processing, unused sands, waste foundry sand that is authorized for use as a soil additive or soil substitute under General Permit Number WMGR019, spent mushroom substrate and freshwater, brackish and marine dredged material use as manufactured soil or soil amendments. |
WMGR047 (PDF) | Beneficial use of the residual aggregate generated from the extraction of metal from metal alloy slag for use as an agricultural liming agent, an ingredient in agricultural and specialty fertilizers, an ingredient in mine grouting material, sludge stabilization, as a construction material, as a raw material for concrete production, for underground storage tank and pipe backfill, as a mine buffering agent, as acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment plant feed stock, as briquettes to reclaim AMD-affected streams, for grout production for flowable backfill, for road base reclamation and soil stabilization, and as a raw material for asphalt production. |
WMGR052 (PDF) | The processing, by mixing of approved materials, to produce stabilized flue gas desulfurization material (stabilized FGD material) for beneficial use in mine reclamation, or the beneficial use of stabilized FGD material in mine reclamation activities. |
WMGR065 (PDF) Northeast Region Only | Beneficial use of the following types of residual wastes related to the manufacturing of iron and steel, refractories, foundry sands, slags, air emission control solids, and the media associated with their excavation as construction fill at an Act 2 remediation site. |
WMGR066 (PDF) | Processing of waste oil, virgin fuel oil tank bottoms, spent antifreeze and waste oil/water mixture via operation of a transfer facility. |
WMGR069 (PDF) | Beneficial use of wastewater treatment sludge generated from meat processing operations as top dressing or soil conditioner on agricultural lands. |
WMGR070 (PDF) | Beneficial use of baghouse fines from air pollution devices generated at hot-mixed asphalt plants as a construction material or as levee core impermeable fill and pipe bedding. |
WMGR074 (PDF) | Processing prior to beneficial use of biosolids, water treatment plant sludge, paper pulp sludge and lime neutralized industrial water sludge to be blended with thermally treated soil as landscaping soil materials. |
WMGR079 (PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of waste asphalt shingles as an aggregate in the production of hot mix asphalt paving material and as a sub-base for road and driveway construction. |
WMGR081 (eLibrary) | Processing by disassembling, mechanical processing (by sizing, shaping, separating and volume reduction only), and associated storage prior to reuse or recycling at the processing or transfer facility, of uncontaminated and source-separated electronic devices. |
WMGR082 (PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of steel and iron slag and refractory bricks mined from an existing slag pile for use as a construction material and as an alkaline amendment. |
WMGR084 (PDF) | Use of dewatered Industrial Wastewater Treatment Residual as a soil additive for agricultural utilization and mine reclamation. |
WMGR085(PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of freshwater, brackish and marine dredge material, cement kiln dust, lime kiln dust, coal ash, and cogeneration ash by screening, mechanical blending and compaction in mine reclamation. |
WMGR088 (PDF) | Beneficial use of drinking water treatment plant sludge for use as a soil additive on agricultural lands. |
WMGR089 (PDF) | Beneficial use of lime kiln dust as a soil amendment, for stabilization/solidification of soils and sludges, treatment of acid mine drainage, alkaline activator in cements, grouts in mine reclamation, for roadway subbase, stabilization and conditioning, as filler in agricultural and construction products, and as construction material in nonresidential projects. |
WMGR091 (PDF) | Processing of used oil filters prior to beneficial use of the resultant scrap metal and waste oil. The proposed processing is limited to crushing and a two-stage thermal treatment. |
WMGR094 (PDF) | Beneficial use of cement kiln dust in road construction applications for the stabilization of road subgrade, and for embankment and backfill construction. |
WMGR096 (PDF) | This general permit authorizes the beneficial use of regulated fill, as the term is defined in the Department’s Management of Fill Policy (MoFP), Document No. 258-2182-773, as a construction material when moved to a receiving site for use in a construction project. Regulated fill may only be moved to a receiving site, as the term is defined in the MoFP, that is approved for construction and is zoned and used exclusively for commercial and industrial uses, or if un-zoned, is exclusively used for commercial and industrial uses. |
WMGR099 (PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of the combined domestic sewage and industrial wastewater treatment sludge for agricultural utilization and mine reclamation by land application as a soil conditioner or an effective fertilizer. |
WMGR101 (PDF) | Processing and beneficial use of steel slag, iron slag, and refractory bricks that were co-disposed with slag, reclaimed asphalt pavement materials (RAP) in quantities greater than 10 cubic yards and uncontaminated brick, block and concrete from sidewalk and highway projects as a construction material. |
WMGR103 (PDF) | Processing by (i) grinding, mixing, screening and biological decomposition of tree stumps, roots, leaf waste, stump grindings, and grubbing material for the beneficial use as a mulch material, and (ii) grinding, screening and mixing of freshwater dredged material from Seyferts basin, spent mushroom substrate, leaf waste, water treatment residual and waste foundry sand (authorized under WMGR019 or WMGR098) with uncontaminated soil for beneficial use as a manufactured topsoil. Freshwater dredged material from basins other than Seyferts must meet the definition of clean fill and comply with the requirements provided in the department's Guidance Document, "Management of Fill, Document No. 258-2182-773" |
WMGR107 (PDF) | Processing of non-PCB transformer oil in mobile processing units for the purpose of reconditioning the transformer oil. The approved reconditioning process is limited to filtration, heating, application of vacuum, and the addition of antioxidant. |
WMGR109 (PDF) | Processing of used restaurant oil, yellow grease, grease trap waste, oils and animal fat from food processing or rendering plants, waste from ethanol production, soybean soap stock, float grease (from wastewater treatment plants), and off-specification vegetable oils ("oil and grease waste") to produce biofuel, including biodiesel, for beneficial use as fuel. Registration Form 2540-PM-BWM0016 (eLibrary) |
WMGR110 (PDF) | Beneficial use of: (a) residential septage, (b) food processing residuals and (c) restaurant grease trap waste, hereinafter referred to as "blended waste" materials, as a soil conditioner or a fertilizer for agricultural purposes. The blended waste shall be treated to non-exceptional quality biosolid values. |
WMGR114 (PDF) | The processing (mechanical separation including filtration, vacuum evaporation, drying, classification, or grinding) of (i) spent polyethylene glycol slurry containing silicon and silicon carbide or diamond for beneficial use in fresh slurry and in production of silicon ingots, (ii) spent aluminum cold rolling fluids for reuse as aluminum cold rolling fluid, and (iii) petroleum oil based silicon carbide slurry (lapping compound) for reuse at the point of generation. |
WMGR123 (PDF) | Processing, transfer and beneficial use of oil and gas liquid waste to develop or hydraulically fracture an oil or gas well. Oil and gas liquid waste includes liquid wastes from the drilling, development and operation of oil and gas wells and transmission facilities. The term includes contaminated water from well sites, the development of transmission pipelines and the facility operating under this general permit, provided the generating facility has satisfied all other permitting requirements that may apply to contaminated water. The term does not include condensate from oil and gas transmission pipeline compressor stations that exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste under 40 CFR Part 261, Subpart C, as incorporated by reference at 25 Pa. Code § 261a.1. |
WMGR123 Comment and Response Document (PDF) | Comment and Response Document for comments submitted during the 60-day public comment period for renewal applications received for continued coverage under WMGR123, and applications received for new or modified coverage under WMGR123, noticed in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on March 20, 2021. |
WMGR126 (PDF) | Processing of silver bearing films and sludges ("waste") prior to further silver reclamation and plastic recycling through granulation, film washing using sodium hydroxide or enzymes and surfactants, flocculation, filtration, and calcining. |
WMGR130 (PDF) | Beneficial use of alternative fuels produced from the processing of residual wastes. The processing of residual waste needs to occur at a processing facility permitted under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 297 and be limited to shredding, mixing and solidification. |
WMGR131 (PDF) | Beneficial use of carbonaceous wastes: (i) petroleum coke, (ii) uncontaminated and untreated wood chips generated during the pulp and/or paper making process, and (iii) other paper and wood industry wastes comprised of primarily wood fibers, and tire-derived fuel as alternative fuels to be combined with waste coal/coal for circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers at the facility. The resulting boiler ash generated by co-firing the approved alternative fuels referenced is beneficially used as (a) structural fill, (b) soil substitute or soil additive, (c) at coal mining activity sites, (d) at abandoned surface mining sites, and (e) other beneficial uses. |
WMGR134 (PDF) | Beneficial use of synthetic gypsum from forced oxidation flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems generated at coal-fired electric power plants when mixed with coal ash, hereinafter referred to as stabilized FGD-gypsum material to enhance compaction of fine coal refuse at coal refuse disposal sites. |
WMGR138 (PDF) |
WMGR140 (PDF) | Beneficial use of the sludge and filter cake from a Department permitted industrial wastewater treatment facility, treating wastewater from a textile dyeing and finishing plant, for use as a soil additive and soil conditioner. |
WMGR144 (PDF) | Processing and Beneficial Use of Blast Furnace Slag and Steel Slag Generated by Steelmaking Operations or from Historic Slag Placement Areas for use as Construction Material Sub-Base, Hot or Warm Mix Pavement Aggregate, Ready Mix Concrete Ingredient, antiskid and for use in Marcellus Shale Pad Construction and Well Annular Material. |
WMGR145 (PDF) | Beneficial Use of Industrial Water from Withdrawl Wells Associated with Steelmaking and Foundary Sites for use in Oil and Gas Well Development Activities. |
WMGR146 (PDF) | Beneficial use of a fuel product produced from components of non-hazardous, non-putrescible construction/demolition waste, and residual waste that qualifies as a co-product where each component of the residual waste contributes to the beneficial use of the fuel product. |
WMGR147, Amended (PDF) | General Permit authorizes the processing of spent garnet for beneficial use for its original purpose in waterjet cutting and abrasive blasting. Processing is limited to washing, separation and sizing, and drying. |
WMGR148 (PDF) | Processing of halogenated and non-halogenated plastics and plastics from the processing of regulated medical waste and beneficial use of the plastic lumber-like material produced. |
WMGR150 (PDF) | Beneficial use of dewatered freshwater dredged material, hereinafter referred to as "dredged material" as a soil additive or soil substitute for mine reclamation projects. |
WMGR151 (Word) | General Permit allows for the beneficial use of screenings from the production of alternative fuel from construction and demolition waste and industrial wood base waste as a bulking agent. |
WMGR155 (PDF) | Processing of plastics and wastes from recycling facilities and residual waste generators to produce an alternative fuel that is predominantly plastic ("plastic-derived fuel" or "PDF"). |
WMGR156 (PDF) | Beneficial use of bauxite residue as a filtration aid in natural engineered wastewater treatment (NEWT) systems. |
WMGR157 (PDF) | Beneficial use of synthetic gypsum generated from a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process as a soil amendment or nutrient source for agricultural use. |
WMGR159 (PDF) | This general permit authorizes the processing of reclaimed waste coal ash prior to beneficial use and beneficial use as an ingredient in concrete manufacturing. Processing is limited to drying and mechanical sizing of reclaimed waste coal ash. |
WMGR163 (PDF) | This general permit authorizes the processing and transfer of oil and gas liquid waste at temporary facilities that operate for no more than 180 consecutive days at any one time, and subsequent beneficial use of oil and gas liquid waste to develop or hydraulically fracture an oil or gas well. Coverage under this general permit will expire 1 (one) year from the date that waste is initially received or processed, or a maximum of 2 (two) years from the date the Department issues coverage, whichever is less. |