
Pennsylvania Pipeline Portal

As the Keystone State, Pennsylvania has long been home to interstate pipelines that carry liquid and gas products to and from other states and major population centers.

Beginning in 2005, horizontal drilling methods combined with high-volume hydraulic fracturing techniques made it possible to capture the natural gas from Pennsylvania’s shale deposits. Since then, natural gas production has increased dramatically, and Pennsylvania has become the second largest supplier of natural gas in the United States.

Drilling for natural gas quickly outpaced the development of the pipeline infrastructure needed to get gas to markets. Multiple companies are currently proposing a pipeline infrastructure build-out to increase capacity, collect and transport domestic products, and enhance service. These additional pipeline projects may be intrastate or interstate and located within and/or beyond existing right-of-ways across the Commonwealth.

The infrastructure development is governed by a combination of federal and state laws and regulations, county plans, and local ordinances, with the aim of protecting the environment and the many communities likely to be affected. Multiple federal and state agencies and commissions are involved in permitting and overseeing siting, construction, operation and maintenance of pipeline infrastructure.

The Pennsylvania Pipeline Portal web site provides helpful information to the public on:

  • The Commonwealth’s pipeline permitting process and the roles that citizens, companies, non-profit organizations and government officials can play in the process;
  • Links to agency and commission sources of information, to provide access to as much of the public record as possible; and
  • Information on the large-scale pipelines that propose to cross multiple counties and regions and have permits under DEP review.

As the build-out progresses, updates here will ensure Pennsylvanians can access the most current and accurate information.