Land Recycling Program

​Standards, Guidance, and Procedures

The Land Recycling Program (Act 2) establishes environmental remediation standards for cleanups related to specific environmental laws. Remediation and the resulting liability relief provided by Act 2 is specific to the contamination identified at each specific site or sites.

In order to satisfy the requirements of Act 2 and the Chapter 250 regulations, the Land Recycling Program has developed Standards, Guidance and Procedures to guide you through the assessment, characterization and remediation process.

Statewide Health Standards (SWH) – The SWH tables present the revised statewide health standards that were published November 20, 2021, in the PA Bulletin. These standards became effective on that date. Any final report or remedial action completion report using the statewide health standard that is submitted on or after November 20, 2021, must demonstrate attainment of the standards in these tables in order to receive the liability relief afforded by Act 2.

Policies and Procedures - This section provides links to applicable program policies and procedures - including Act 2 related policies, Act 2 standard operating procedures, Management of Fill policy and Oil & Gas policy.

Guidance and Technical Tools – The Guidance and Technical Tools Section provides the user with program guidance and technical tools to assist you through the assessment, characterization and remediation process of your project.

Consult these resources as well as your regional Land Recycling Program project manager for specific issues related to your site.