Underground Storage Tanks

DEP Sent Me a Letter About My Underground Storage Tanks

One or more underground storage tanks at the facility named in the letter will be due for a Facility Operations Inspection (FOI).  These letters are mailed approximately 60 to 90 days prior to the FOI due date.

You can identify the specific storage tanks due for FOI by checking your facility information at the Active Storage Tanks search. You will see the final column for each storage tank system will be "Next Inspection Due."

If you have not already contacted a certified inspection company, you can search for one here. Once you schedule an inspection, or if an inspection is already scheduled, please notify the DEP staff member assigned to your region. The contact information is included in your letter.

Search for a DEP-certified company

Information about UST FOI Inspections

If you received a Notice of Violation regarding past due underground storage tank (UST) inspection(s), one or more USTs at your facility is overdue for inspection.  You are in violation of the inspection requirements for regulated USTs.  DEP encourages you to take immediate action. 

The Facility Operations Inspection (FOI) is required for all regulated USTs. The initial FOI is required 1 year after installation or change of ownership; thereafter, the FOI is required every 3 years or upon request by DEP.

To correct this violation, you should contract a DEP-certified UST inspector holding "IUM" certification to conduct the FOI and submit the FOI report to DEP. DEP's list of certified inspection companies can be found here.

When you have hired a certified inspector, notify DEP of the scheduled FOI as requested in the Notice of Violation or contact the DEP representative assigned to your facility. The contact information is included in your Notice of Violation letter.

Continued failure to meet the inspection requirements could result in enforcements including, but not limited to financial penalties.

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Information about UST FOI Inspections

If you received a Temporary Out-of-Service (TOS) Deadline Letter, one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) at your facility is approaching its time limit for TOS status.  The expiration date of TOS status for the UST(s) is listed in the table on your letter along with the tank ID # and tank capacity.

USTs may remain in TOS status for up to 3 years.  After that, the facility must do one of the following:

1. Permanently close the UST(s).

UST closure must be completed by a DEP-certified tank handler holding "UMR" certification .

Search for a DEP-certified company

Information about Storage Tank Closure

2. Request a return of the UST(s) to service, conduct any DEP requested evaluations or testing, and repair when necessary.

Before a TOS UST can be returned to service  a "Storage Tanks Registration Amendment Form" must be submitted to DEP to request approval to return the UST to "Currently in use" status. DEP may require evaluations to confirm that your UST meets regulatory requirements prior to authorizing an operating permit. UST components that do not meet regulatory requirements need to be repaired or replaced prior to the return to "Currently in use" status.

Inspections and modifications must be performed by individuals holding appropriate DEP certifications.

Search for a DEP-certified company

Information about UST FOI Inspections

3.  Request an extension of the TOS status for the UST(s)

To request an extension of TOS status for the UST(s), please submit the request as instructed in your letter or call the DEP representative assigned to your facility. The contact information is included in your TOS Deadline letter.