The Facility Operations Inspection (FOI)

Commonly Asked Questions by Storage Tank Owners Concerning Facility Operations Inspections (PDF)


The FOI is considered a regulated inspection activity. To meet DEP’s inspection requirements, the FOI must be performed by a DEP-certified individual holding Underground Storage Tank (UST) Inspector (IUM) certification. The following search can help you find a DEP-certified storage tank company employing UST inspectors.

Certified Storage Tank Companies Search

The facility owner should plan to be present or designate a Class A or Class B operator to be present during the FOI inspection. You may find more information about the operator training program here: UST Operators

What & Where

On October 11, 1997, DEP adopted regulations pertaining to periodic inspections of UST systems. These inspections have been called Facility Operations Inspections (FOI) and are used to determine the tank system’s integrity and suitability for continued use. The FOI includes the review of records pertaining to the installation, release detection monitoring, and maintenance of the UST system. The FOI also includes a physical inspection of all equipment which can be examined and observed aboveground, through manways, or other access methods.

As a storage tank owner or operator, you should have your UST system prepared for physical inspection on the date agreed upon with your IUM.

You should also prepare the following records for your inspector:

  • Release Detection Records
  • Spill Prevention and Overfill Prevention Evaluations
  • Modification Reports
  • Corrosion Protection records
  • Tank and Piping Construction records
  • Operator Training Certificates and List of Designated Class A/B and C operators
  • Records of participation in the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF)
  • Copies of other records relevant to your USTs


Events Triggering FOIsTime until FOI
InstallationNo earlier than 6 months after installation.
No later than 12 months after installation.
FOI is completedMaximum of 3 years after Date of First Site Visit (found on page 1 of your FOI Report form)
You can also find your due date on your registration certificate.
Property or UST changes ownershipNo earlier than 6 months after change of ownership.
No later than 12 months after change of ownership.

Inspection Forms

DEP Led Inspections

DEP may conduct inspections at your facility with or without notice.

Please note: DEP Inspections do not replace your required 3rd party Facility Operations Inspection.

These inspections may occur in response to information reported on your most recent FOI, compliance history trends, or to verify DEP records are accurate and complete.

DEP inspectors may examine the accessible physical components of your UST system, operation of release detection equipment, operation of overfill alarms, and request review of records pertinent to your UST system. DEP Inspectors may also interview Class A, Class B, and Class C operators to ensure the UST system is being operated in compliance with pertinent regulatory requirements.

At the completion of a DEP inspection, you or your designated operators will receive an inspection report that notes the compliance status of your facility during that inspection.

More Information

For more information or for printed copies of UST Inspection forms, write or call:

DEP, Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields
Division of Storage Tanks
P.O. Box 8762
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8762
Phone: 1-800-42-TANKS (within PA) or 717-772-5599