DEP and the Federal Office of Surface Mining (OSM) both maintain separate abandoned mine land (AML) inventories. The two datasets share many commonalities, but there are also many differences because they were developed based of different criteria and to serve different purposes. The federal inventory also includes data for all states and Indian Tribes that participate in the AML program.

View the History of PA's AML Inventory(opens in a new tab) (PDF) for more complete information on the development of Pennsylvania's inventory, and OSM's website for more information on the federal inventory

Accessing the Data

Pennsylvania's AML Inventory - The department's eMapPA website ( in a new tab)) provides the easiest public access to the department's AML Inventory information for specific areas within Pennsylvania. Once in eMapPA, expand the Mining folder to enable the AML layers. Statewide GIS data layers can be downloaded from PASDA, ( in a new tab)) by searching for keyword "AML Inventory."

eAMLIS – The federal Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System can be accessed through OSM's website, in a new tab).



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