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Preface (PDF)
Letters of endorsement from IMCC, ACAA and environmental group
- Letter #1 (PDF)
- Letter #2 (PDF)
- Letter #3 (PDF)
- Letter #4 (PDF)
- Letter #5 (PDF)
- Letter #6 (PDF)
- Letter #7 (PDF)
- Letter #8 (PDF)
Table of Contents (PDF)
List of Figures (PDF)
List of Tables (PDF)
List of Acronyms (PDF)
Chapter 1. Overview: Coal Ash Beneficial Use and Mine Land Reclamation (PDF)
Chapter 2. Geology of the Pennsylvania Coal Regions (PDF)
Chapter 3. Engineering Practices of Ash Placement (PDF)
Chapter 4. Coal Ash Beneficial Use (Conventional Ash Placement) on Anthracite Mine Sites (PDF)
Chapter 5. Coal Ash Beneficial Use on Bituminous Mine Sites (PDF)
Chapter 6. Use of Coal Ash Cement Grouts in Abatement of Abandoned Mine Hazards and Acid Mine Drainage (PDF)
Chapter 7. The Ellengowan and Shen Penn Demonstration Projects (PDF)
Chapter 8. The Knickerbocker Demonstration Project (PDF)
Chapter 9. The Big Gorilla Demonstration Project (PDF)
Chapter 10. Soil Additives and Soil Amendments (PDF)
Chapter 11. Interpretation, Applications and Conclusions (PDF)
References (PDF)
Biographies of Authors (PDF)
Appendix for Preface: Joint Legislative Committee Report
Appendices for Chapter 5: Bituminous Mine Sites
- 5.A Pre-Permitting Testing Requirements (PDF)
- 5.B Water Monitoring Results for the Revloc Sites (PDF)
- 5.C Water Monitoring Results for the McDermott Sites (PDF)
- 5.D Water Monitoring Results for the Abl-Dreshman Sites (PDF)
Appendices for Chapter 8: The Knickerbocker Site
- 8.A Semi-annual characterization of the proctor densities of the ash and size distributions (PDF)
- 8.B Blow count data normalized to cell 4 (PDF)
- 8.C Semi-annual fly ash analyses and leach data (PDF)
- 8.D Chemical analyses of ash and water samples collected February 2000 (MRL) (PDF)
- 8.E PHREEQC thermodynamic equilibrium results from water analyses in the test cells (PDF)
- 8.F X-ray diffraction patterns of ash from test cells (PDF)
- 8.G Fertility analyses (PDF)
- 8.H Water chemistry from surrounding wells (PDF)
Appendices for Chapter 9: The Big Gorilla Site
California District Mining Office
Cambria District Mining Office
Knox District Mining Office
Moshannon District Mining Office
New Stanton District Mining Office
Pottsville District Mining Office
District Mining FAQ
Fees Associated with Mining Activities
Blasting Permitting
District Mining FAQ
Treatment Trust Funds