Bureau of District Mining Operations

Fees Associated With Mining Activities

This page was last updated on Jan 05, 2024.

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications electronically. Separate pieces should be individual submittals because of the designated fees (example: mining permit and NPDES permit should be separate submittals). For paper submittals, the applicant must include with the application the total of all individual fees via check payable to “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”. In addition, the operator must have and maintain an appropriate mining license. Yearly administrative fees must be submitted corresponding to the number and type of permits held by a licensed operator until the bond is released. Fees are nonreturnable and are directly used to fund the program costs for permit review and inspections.

Coal Mining Application Fees

New permits
Surface Mining Permit, New$3,250
Coal Refuse Reprocessing Permit, New$1,900
Coal Refuse Disposal Permit, New$3,250
Coal Preparation Plant Permit, New$1,650
Anthracite Underground Mining Permit, New$1,650
Bituminous Underground Mining Permit, New$5,750
Incidental Extraction Permit, New$1,650
Auger Safety, New$200
Revision to Bituminous UMP, CRD, Prep Plant$1,250
Revision to Anthracite UMP, CRD, Prep Plant$300
Major Revision to SMP or Coal Refuse Reprocessing Permit$300
Bond Liability Revision$100

Government-Financed Construction Contract Fees

GFCC Review$4,500
Small (Short-Term) Refuse Removal GFCC Review$4,000
Monitoring FeeNumber of Months ___ X $185
Final Inspection$225
Small Projects, as Defined in 25 PA Code §105.1 (Each)$100

Coal Mining Administrative Fees

Reclamation Fee$100 per acre

Beneficial Use of Coal Ash

Permit Filing Fee - Active Coal Ash Placement$2,000 per year
Permit Filing Fee - Final Placement to Bond Release$1,000 per year

Noncoal Mining Application Fees

Surface with Groundwater Pumping$29,500
Surface without Groundwater Pumping$19,750
Underground Permit/Authorization$29,500
Completion Report$875
Blast Plan$775
NOI for Exploration or Waiver$85
Small noncoal permit$775
NOI General Permit for Short Term Construction Projects: GP-103$725
NOI General Permit for Bluestone (5 Acres or Less) Mining: GP-105$550
NOI General Permit for Reclamation of Forfeited Noncoal Mines: GP-106$725
Bond Revision$650
Major Revision. Large, site with groundwater pumping$5,625
Major Revision, Large, site without groundwater pumping$2,350
Major Revision, Underground$3,900
Minor Revision, Large permit$1,050
Minor Revision, Small permit and GP$225
Transfer, Large$1,300
Transfer, Small$775

Noncoal Administrative Fees

Annual Administrative Fees
Active Large Noncoal Surface Mining Permit$1,750
Active Large Noncoal Surface Mining Permit with Blasting$2,250
Active Small Noncoal Surface Mining Permit$500
Active Small Noncoal Surface Mining Permit with Blasting$700
Active Underground Noncoal Mining Permit$1,750
General Permit$500
Not Started or Inactive Noncoal Mining Permits$175

Additional Activity Associated with Mining Permits

A mining permit requires additional authorizations concurrent with the mining application. For example, all operators require a mining license and permits 1 acre or greater must have an associated NPDES permit (individual or GP-104). Applications for stream encroachment or wetlands disturbance that take place in association with the mining activity can be submitted with the mining application.

Individual NPDES Permit Associated with Mining Activities$1,000
Reissuance of Individual NPDES Permit Associated with Mining Activities (Revision, Renewal, Transfer)$500
GP-104 Stormwater Associated with Mining Activities$250
Air Quality

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Water Supplies

Use Technical Guidance 562-4000-102, Increased Operation and Maintenance Costs of Replacement Water Supplies to complete the calculations.

As of April 2023: Inflation rate is 3.19% and Rate of return is 2.41%

Bond Rates

The permittee is required to post a reclamation bond prior to permit issuance and periodically in response to operation or bond rate updates. Bond rates are published every year in the PA Bulletin for Coal and Noncoal Operations. Operators are notified when bonds need to be submitted. See the Bonding page for the current bond rate guidelines. Contact the District Mining Office that reviews your application to discuss bonding details for any site.

Questions on fees and bond rates can be directed to the appropriate District Mining Office or email RA-EPminingpermits@pa.gov.