Blasting Training

  • For information regarding Penn State miner training, please click on the following link: Penn State University Miner Training
  • For information regarding Schuylkill County Area Vocational-Technical School miner training in the anthracite region, please click on the following link: SCVT Miner Training

The Bureau recognizes training as a vital part of maintaining safe and productive mines. The commitment is to ensure that miners receive adequate safety training so that they continue to work in a safe environment and perform safe mining practices.

The Bureau funds safety training both with state and federal dollars. Federal funds have been used to train miners in pre-employment orientation, mine rescue and first aid, health and safety retraining and emergency medical technician training. These efforts are accomplished in part through sub-contracts granted to colleges and universities. The Bureau undertakes in-house training of miners in first aid techniques, emergency response, gas detection awareness, ventilation, self-contained breathing apparatus, blasting awareness, and CPR training. Emergency response training is a very significant effort by the Bureau. The small operations which do not have adequate resources participate in the Bureau's training program pertaining to mine emergencies and emergency procedures.

The professional development of the entire Bureau staff is essential to maintain effective program operations. Cooperative programs with the MSHA Academy, independent providers, the Department's Bureau of Human Resources, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and The Pennsylvania State University help to meet this end.

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