Bureau of Mining Programs

Reported Effects of Underground Mining

Under the Act 54 (of 1994) amendments to Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (BMSLCA) of 1966, the Department (DEP) is required to compile data and report findings regarding the effects of underground mining on land, structures and water resources.

The Department compiles, on an ongoing basis, claims of effects from bituminous underground mining relating to land damage/subsidence, methane intrusion, structure damage, utility damage, water supply contamination and water loss, and stream impairments. With the availability of tools and applications that allow for real time data compiling and public release, the Department is publishing claims and incidents from the Bituminous Underground Mining Information System (BUMIS) each year beginning with 2018.

Current BUMIS claims (2018 to present) are currently categorized as follows: land damage, methane intrusion, structure damage, utility damage, water supply contamination, water supply loss, and stream effects.

Outside of the BUMIS system, the Department tracks stream recovery reports and wetland impacts, and updates mine locations in GIS applications. Click on the individual sections below for each of these categories.

Comments or suggestions can be sent to RA-EPMININGPERMITS@pa.gov