Bureau of Mining Programs

Unsuitable for Surface Mining Program

The Unsuitable for Surface Mining (UFM) Program operates in response to formal petitions being submitted to the Department by a person, business concern, environmental organization, local or state government agency, or any other public agency or citizen organization.

A UFM petition is a written request with supporting technical documentation which formally asks the Department to consider designating a particular area as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations, or to have a previous designation terminated (revoked).

If a petition is complete and is determined to have merit, the Department will then:

  1. Conduct a technical review;
  2. Provide for public participation through notifications and public hearings;
  3. Make a recommendation to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) for possible rulemaking.

Regulations related to the UFM program can be found in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 86, Subchapter D.


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