Certified Testers:
Certified Mitigators:
Certified Laboratories:
Above lists updated March 3, 2025
This directory contains a listing of Pennsylvania approved:
- Certified individuals
- Certified firms
- DEP listed testing firm employees
All DEP-listed Testing Firm Employees have an ID number in the 8000 series - DEP-listed mitigation firm employees
All DEP-listed Mitigation Firm Employees have an ID number in the 7000 series
The coding description for the different types of radon test devices is listed below:
- E Electret Ion Chamber
- A Alpha Track Detector
- C Charcoal Canister
- CW Continuous Working Level Monitor
- CR Continuous Radon Monitor
- LS Liquid Scintillation
Since certification status may change, the Bureau of Radiation Protection updates these lists monthly. To verify certification, check for a current DEP ID Card and/or certification certificate.