Composting is an easy way to reduce disposal of waste and create a valuable soil additive. You can recycle the natural nutrients and organic materials in food, leaves, paper, yard and wood waste as they would be in nature.
- Guide to Home Composting (PDF)
- Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania
- Home Composting Information from the EPA
- Food Waste Composting Locations (PDF)
- Compost Drop-Off Locations in PA
- Permit-by-Rule - Yard Waste Composting Facilities less than five acres
- Municipal Waste Permit-by-Rule Regulations Chapter 271.103
- General Permit WMGM030 (PDF) - Yard Waste Composting Facilities between five acres and 15 acres
- Compost can be applied directly around the base of trees and shrubs to serve as a mulch. It also can be worked into the top six to eight inches of the soil to provide increased water retention and valuable nutrients.
- Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual (PDF) 363-2134-008, P. 62-64, 271-272
- PennDOT Publication 408 Section 800 (PDF)
- For additional information regarding these specifications or to get your product on the approved sellers list, please contact PennDOT’s Strategic Recycling Program at
- Permitting Exemptions
- Agricultural waste used as part of normal farming operations. See 287.101 for details.
- Best Practices for Environmental Protection in the Mushroom Farm Community (PDF) 254-5401-001
- Food waste used as part of normal farming operations. See 287.101 for details.
- The Food Processing Residual Management Manual (PDF) 254-5400-100
- General Permit WMGM017 (PDF) - On-Farm Source Separated Composting
- General Permit WMGM042 (PDF) - Anaerobic digestion of animal manure and food waste