The Reporting and Fee Collection (RFC) Division supports multiple programs within the Bureau of Waste Management by overseeing the following:
Municipal waste landfills and resource recovery facilities are required to submit quarterly reports postmarked or received by the Department by the 20th day of the month following the quarter ending the last day of March, June, September and December.
Please visit Report Quarterly Hazardous Waste Management Fees for more information on requirements, instructions and access to forms.
Hazardous waste transporters and treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities are required to submit quarterly reports postmarked or received by the Department by the 20th day of the month following the quarter ending the last day of March, June, September and December.
More information can be found at Quarterly HW Management Fees.
Each year, RFC collects, reviews and processes biennial reports. Biennial reports are required to be submitted by residual waste and hazardous waste facilities that meet reporting criteria.
Residual Waste Biennial Report
The Residual Waste Biennial report is administered by the DEP. Residual waste facilities that generate more than 13 tons during a reporting cycle must submit a residual waste biennial report for the preceding even numbered year by March 1st of every odd numbered year. More information including instructions and reporting forms can be found at Submit a Residual Waste Biennial Report.
Hazardous Waste Biennial Report
The Environmental Protection Agency requires biennial reports from hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities by March 1st of an even numbered year following the preceding odd numbered year. Visit Hazardous Waste Biennial Report for more information and forms.
The Waste Transportation Safety Program oversees authorizations and compliance of waste transportation vehicles (trucks and truck tractors with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 17,000 lbs., and trailers with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 10,000 lbs.) transporting municipal or residual waste to waste processing or disposal facilities in Pennsylvania. For more information visit Apply for the Municipal and Residual Waste Transportation Safety Program.
Hazardous waste manifests are now available on the RCRAInfo Electronic manifest (eManifest) system. To access eManifest, a user must submit a permissions request on RCRAInfo and be approved by the Site Manager. See RCRAInfo Registration and Training below for more information.
Attention Large Quantity and Small Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste
Starting January 22, 2025, all LQG and SQG facilities will be required to have a designated individual with at least the eManifest Certifier role to comply with Third Rule eManifest requirements.
Visit PA Manifest Requirements for more information.
EPA and DEP utilize RCRAInfo for tracking hazardous waste generation, shipments, treatment and disposal data which can be accessed by registered RCRAInfo users with proper permissions.
How to register
Visit RCRAInfo to begin registration.
See instructions or instructional video for industry user registration guidance.
Industry users should visit Central Data Exchange for resolving RCRAInfo account issues.
For additional information and assistance, view RCRAInfo Help and Guidance.
Please note, certain RCRAInfo user permissions such as Biennial Report Certifier and Site Managers require identity proofing via online or paper form.
RCRAInfo Training
RCRAInfo offers module training on LearningZen. These lessons provide step-by-step instructions on various topics including, but not limited to, submitting user permission requests, how to properly complete and submit a hazardous waste biennial report, and guidance on utilizing the e-Manifest system. Registered RCRAInfo uses can also access the Information Library webpage via the Documentation tab at the top of home page once logged in to watch EPA webinars, reference Frequently Asked Questions, and much more.
To get started, see Online Training.
Go to Portal Registration, if you haven’t signed up before.
Contact Information
If you have questions call the Division of Reporting and Fee Collection at 717-783-9258 or by e-mail:
Send Waste Transportation Safety Program questions to