Generators of hazardous waste must file a Notification of Regulated Waste Activity form to obtain an EPA Hazardous Waste ID Number, use licensed transporters, and ship hazardous waste to a permitted facility. Depending on the quantity of hazardous waste generated, there are additional requirements on the accumulation of hazardous waste, training of employees, recordkeeping, and reporting.

Hazardous Waste Fact Sheets

Compliance Guides

Hazardous Waste Frequently Asked Questions

Hazardous waste generator notifications, supplemental generator notifications (status changes) or requests for EPA identification numbers should be made to:

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Management
Division of Hazardous Waste Management
P.O. Box 69170
Harrisburg, PA 17106-9170

Hazardous Waste Minimization

Electronic Notification of RCRA Subtitle C Activities (8700-12 Form)

DEP has developed an electronic tool that will replace the paper 8700-12 form utilized for acquiring an EPA Identification number, making a subsequent notification, updating your facility information, meeting the re-notification requirement for SQGs, submitting an episodic generation notification, etc.  (Note: Paper submittals will still be accepted.)

The electronic 8700-12 form operates through GreenPort within the ePermitting module. Once logged in, you simply complete the form online just as you have been completing the form on paper. The system will notify you upon receipt of your submission, for deficiency notifications and successfully processed notifications.

Visit the GreenPort to get started. Questions on creating a GreenPort account should be made to the Help Desk Support Line at 717-787-HELP (4357) or the Contact Us link on the Greenport Homepage.

Note to user: If you already possess an EPA Identification number, please submit your 8700-12 submittal as a “Subsequent Notification”, even if you are using ePermitting for the first time. Only use the “Initial Notification” if you are requesting an EPA Identification number.

SQG Re-Notification by September 1, 2025

Under the HW Generator Improvements Rule, effective in PA on May 30, 2017, EPA made over 60 changes to the hazardous waste generator regulations that clarify existing requirements, increase flexibility, and improve environmental protection. One change that was made is the requirement for SQGs to re-notify starting in 2021 and every four years thereafter using the EPA RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form (8700-12 form). This re-notification must be submitted by September 1st of each year in which re-notifications are required (40 CFR 262.18(d)). Those SQGs who have submitted an EPA RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form (8700-12 form) since September 2, 2021, will have met the requirement for re-notification by September 1, 2025.

Re-Notification Requirement for Small Quantity Generators

RCRA Emergency Site ID Requests

    RCRA Emergency Site ID Requests.jpg

    Some emergencies may require immediate attention to be abated ​and the hazardous waste to be reported on a manifest. These emergencies may also require an entity to obtain an EPA Identification number as quickly as possible. It may not be feasible to complete an EPA Site Identification 8700-12 form.

    ​To meet the need for an EPA Identification number during emergency situations, EPA created​​ a site within the RCRAInfo application to automatically assign an EPA ID with limited information needed. Pennsylvania has opted to participate in this program. A facility representative or emergency responder would provide the site name, site location, site contact information, federal generator status and comments to describe the waste and nature of the emergency.

    An EPA Identification number should only be obtained through this site in the case of true emergencies ONLY. If not a true emergency, an EPA Site Identification 8700-12 form should be completed and submitted to PADEP.
