Pennsylvania’s Hazardous Waste Management Program incorporates changes to the federal regulations by reference under 25 Pa. Code § 260a.3(e). Therefore, when EPA publishes a Final Rule in the Federal Register pertaining to hazardous waste regulations, the effective date for that rule is also the effective date in Pennsylvania.

Final Third Rule

On July 26, 2024, EPA published the Third Final Rule titled Integrating e-Manifest with Hazardous Waste Exports and Other Manifest-related Reports, PCB Manifest Amendments and Technical Corrections which proposed amendments to applicable parts of the electronic manifest regulations and system known as e-Manifest. The following effective dates and respective changes will affect hazardous waste handlers as follows:

January 22, 2025:

  • E-Manifest registration for at least Certifier permission will be required for Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) and Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) of hazardous waste
  • Generators will receive signed final hazardous waste manifests through e-Manifest and not by the TSDF
  • Timeframes for discrepancy and exception reports will be adjusted to account for manifest submission timeline to e-Manifest
    • Extending timeframe receiving facilities will have to rectify manifest discrepancies from 15 to 20 days
    • Extending exception reporting from 35/45 days to 40/50 days for LQGs
  • Manifest forms will have space for hazardous waste imports/exports

December 1, 2025:

  • Submission of hazardous waste export manifests to e-Manifest
  • Integration of other exception, discrepancy and unmanifest waste reports into the e-Manifest system

Required Actions

Beginning January 22, 2025, LQGs and SQGs will need to have a Site Manager or e-Manifest Certifier RCRAInfo user to receive final signed manifests. Visit Reporting and Fee Collection Division for RCRAInfo registration instructions.

Manifest Exception Reports, Unmanifested Weight Reports, and Manifest Corrections Reports

Continue sending these and any questions to or call 717-783-9258.

Exports Manifests

For exported hazardous waste, the department wishes to receive a signed manifest copy from facilities located outside of the United States which receive hazardous waste from Pennsylvania generators.

These copies should be mailed to:

Reporting and Fees Collection Division
P O Box 8550
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550

For more information regarding EPA’s e-Manifest, visit the e-Manifest website or send an email to or call 215-814-3417.

Generators of hazardous waste aren't required to submit a generator copy to the department. Please use the e-Manifest system to access your signed hazardous waste manifest.