Pennsylvania’s Hazardous Waste Management Program incorporates changes to the federal regulations by reference under 25 Pa. Code § 260a.3(e). Therefore, when EPA publishes a Final Rule in the Federal Register pertaining to hazardous waste regulations, the effective date for that rule is also the effective date in Pennsylvania.

On June 30, 2018, EPA launched a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically called “e-Manifest” (PDF). Hazardous waste sent offsite on or after June 30, 2018, should be entered or submitted through the e-Manifest system unless the hazardous waste is exported outside of the country.

For exported hazardous waste, the department wishes to receive a signed manifest copy from facilities located outside of the United States that receive hazardous waste from Pennsylvania generators.

These copies should be mailed to:

Manifest Section
P O Box 8550
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550

For more information regarding EPA’s e-Manifest, visit the e-Manifest website or send an email to or call 215-814-3417.

New Manifest Form

On September 1, 2018, a new 5-copy uniform manifest form replaced the former 6-copy form. New manifest forms are sold by U.S. EPA approved registered printers listed in the Manifest Registry. U.S. EPA will accept Page 1 copies of the obsolete 6-copy forms for processing, however, it is recommended that users transition to the 5-copy form as quickly as possible.

Pennsylvania does not require any additional wastes other than RCRA hazardous waste to be shipped using a uniform hazardous waste manifest. In addition, the generator of the hazardous waste does not have to submit a generator copy to the department.