The Waste Transportation Safety Act (Act 90 of 2002, Chapter 62) requires all waste transportation vehicles (trucks and truck tractors with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 17,000 lbs., and trailers with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 10,000 lbs.) transporting municipal or residual waste to waste processing or disposal facilities in Pennsylvania to have a valid Waste Transporter Authorization. The law prohibits processing and disposal facilities from accepting waste from waste transportation vehicles that do not have a valid authorization, including vehicles with expired authorization stickers and cab cards.
Important Information
Haulers are reminded to renew their authorization at least 90 days prior to expiration date to avoid a lapse in their authorization. Authorizations do not renew automatically.
Act 90 Application and Renewal Information
The Waste Transportation Safety Act mandates that all waste transport vehicles in Pennsylvania must have valid authorization to deliver waste to disposal sites.
- Application and Renewal Forms: 2560-PM-BWM0015B&C
- PIN Request Form: 2560-PM-BWM0017
- Waste Transportation - Fact Sheets:
- Waste Transportation Safety Program Fact Sheet: 2540-FS-DEP2859 (PDF)
- Municipal and Residual Waste Transportation: Driver’s Checklist: 2540-FS-DEP2845 (PDF)
- Municipal and Residual Waste Transportation: Facility Checklist: 2540-FS-DEP2846 (PDF)
- Municipal and Residual Waste Transportation: Hauling Company Checklist: 2540-FS-DEP2895 (PDF)
- Waste Transportation - Regulations:
- Collection and Transportation of Municipal Waste: 25 Pa. Code Chapter 285, Subchapter B
- Standards for Collecting and Transporting of Residual Waste 25 Pa. Code Chapter 299, Subchapter B
- Daily Operational Records:
- Municipal Waste Transporter Daily Operational Record: 2560-FM-BWM0600
- Residual Waste Transporter Daily Operational Record: 2560-FM-BWM0606
- Residual Waste Transporter Contingency Plan Guidelines (PDF)
- Transportation Inspection Report: 2540-FM-BWM0146
- Waste Gas Well Fracturing Fluids Residual Waste Transporter Information (PDF)
Transportation Exemptions
The Act 90 Authorization requirements do not apply to the following:
- The transportation of material used as clean fill.
- Onsite transportation of municipal or residual waste to a captive facility.
- The transportation of municipal or residual waste to a facility that is authorized under an individual or general permit for processing for beneficial use.
- Motor carrier vehicles having a registered gross vehicle weight of 17,000 pounds or less.
- Waste trailers having a registered gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less.
- Motor carrier vehicles and waste trailers not regularly used in transporting municipal or residual waste to a processing or disposal facility in this Commonwealth. A motor carrier vehicle or waste trailer is regularly used if the transportation of municipal or residual waste is being done for commercial purposes or in furtherance of a business. Publicly owned motor carrier vehicles and waste trailers are regularly used if the transportation is being done for the collection and transportation of municipal or residual waste.
- Motor carrier vehicles currently registered by DEP under §285.225 (relating to transportation of residential septage), provided that no other municipal or residual waste is intermixed, contained in, or otherwise included with the residential septage or transported in lieu of residential septage.
- Motor carrier vehicles licensed to transport regulated medical and chemotherapeutic waste, provided that no other municipal or residual waste is intermixed, contained in, or otherwise included with the regulated medical and chemotherapeutic waste or transported in lieu of regulated medical and chemotherapeutic waste.
- Motor carrier vehicles licensed to transport hazardous waste, provided that no other municipal or residual waste is intermixed, contained in, or otherwise included with the hazardous waste or transported in lieu of hazardous waste.
- Motor carrier vehicles authorized to transport waste tires, provided that no other municipal or residual waste is intermixed, contained in, or otherwise included with the waste tires or transported in lieu of waste tires.
- Motor carrier vehicles operated by charities in the furtherance of charitable, not-for-profit activities.
- Publicly owned motor carrier vehicles when transporting municipal or residual waste resulting from annual cleanups that are not used for waste management services separate from the annual collection.
- Motor carrier vehicles when transporting municipal or residual waste to an exempted facility as provided in this section.
Processing and Disposal Facility Exemptions
The Act 90 Authorization requirements do not apply to the following processing or disposal facilities:
- Facilities where municipal or residual waste is being land applied through agricultural utilization or land reclamation.
- Facilities that operate under a permit-by-rule.
- Facilities that are not required to obtain a permit under §271.101 and §287.101 (relating to permit requirement).
- Cement kilns burning waste tires as fuel.
- Facilities that process electronic waste and components by sorting, disassembling or mechanical processing for beneficial use.
- Composting facilities.
- Facilities that process municipal or residual waste for beneficial use under an individual or general permit.
Municipal waste disposal facilities and transporters are required to comply with county plans that specify which facilities are approved to receive waste from that county.
§273.201 and §283.201 - Basic limitations.
(i) A person or municipality may not allow solid waste to be received, disposed or otherwise managed at the facility if the transportation to, or processing or management at, the facility would violate applicable laws in effect in the county or state in which the waste was generated, or state or local solid waste management plans in effect where the waste was generated.
§285.215. Transportation to permitted facilities.
(a) Municipal waste shall be transported to prevent a nuisance or hazard to public health, safety or welfare.
(b) No person or municipality may transport municipal waste to a solid waste processing or disposal facility in this Commonwealth, unless the facility has a permit from the Department that expressly allows processing or disposal of the type of municipal waste being transported.
(c) No person or municipality may transport municipal waste in a manner contrary to the terms and conditions of a permit, an order issued by the Department or requirements in the act, the environmental protection acts or this title.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, Act 90 Stickers cannot be issued "over the counter" at DEP offices. The review and processing of a complete Act 90 application requires approximately 15 days.
A Waste Transportation Authorization is not simply a registration. Prior to issuing an authorization, the Department conducts a review of the applicant's application, including compliance history, VIN information, and fee payment. Compliance history reviews for Waste Transportation Authorization applicants may be completed in as little as one day. However, if an applicant has an extensive compliance history record, or fails to include complete and accurate information on their application, this review may take considerably longer. In addition, the Department does not print the stickers and cab cards. They are printed and mailed by a private vendor under contract with the Department. Currently, the vendor does printing and mailings for the Department three times a week. Given the application review, and sticker printing and mailing process, the Department advises applicants that it takes approximately 15 days from the application submission date for an applicant to receive their stickers and cab card or a letter requesting additional information. Applicants should take this timeframe into consideration and plan accordingly when submitting their application.
No. Once an application has been approved by DEP, the data is transmitted electronically to the Department's contracted vendor that is located out of state. The vendor then prints each sticker and cab card with each vehicles specific VIN and mails them directly to the applicant. The vendor is unable to mail the stickers and cab cards via overnight or express delivery. Any overnight or express delivery envelopes submitted with paper applications will not be returned to the applicant.
Emergency Act 90 authorizations may be issued by DEP Regional Offices for the disposal of waste caused by, or resulting from, a situation that poses an immediate or potential threat to public health and safety, or the environment. Please be advised, the Department does not consider an applicants failure to submit a timely application an "emergency situation". As noted above, it takes approximately 15 days from the application submission date for an applicant to receive their stickers and cab card. Applicants should take this timeframe into consideration and plan accordingly when submitting their application.
Authorizations are issued to a specific legal entity and can not be transferred. If an individual, sole proprietorship, or general partnership subsequently incorporates; or if a corporate entity forms a separate corporate entity, the applicant must submit a new application for the new entity. As a general rule, if the new entity has a different Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the original entity, then a new Authorization is required.
Call WTSP at (717) 783-9258.
Yes. Act 90 prohibits a waste processing or disposal facility from accepting municipal or residual waste from a waste transportation vehicle after December 26, 2002, without a valid authorization sticker issued by the Department. Waste processing facilities include transfer facilities.
The Department posts a list of WTSP Haulers (xls) including active, cancelled, expired, revocations and voluntarily terminated authorizations on the WTSP website daily.
An existing written authorization can be amended or a new application can be submitted as long as the applicant has a vehicle identification number (VIN) and insurance documentation that the vehicle(s) will be covered. The applicant must sign the self-certification for vehicle safety inspection and ownership. The Department may require copies of base registration, lease contract, and insurance documentation.
A statement stating self-insurance and the legal citation allowing the self-insurance signed by a responsible official is required. A responsible official can be a military base commander, head of a state agency, bureau or commission, or an elected official of a municipality, or an official of an authority.
No. The Department will not accept requests for funding, and the fee is required to make the application complete. The Department will not process applications pending receipt of fees. The Department will not issue an approval or issue stickers without the funds in hand.
Yes, if the gross vehicle weight rating of the truck or truck tractor is greater than 17,000 lbs. Trucks and truck tractors with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 17,000 lbs. are defined as motor carrier vehicles even if they are registered as a farm vehicle or have a farm vehicle certificate of exemption. Motor carrier vehicles that are transporting waste to a Pennsylvania waste processing or disposal facility are required to have an Act 90 authorization.
A violation is an action that breaks a law. An enforcement action is an action the Department takes against an individual, company, business, or other legal entity for violating a Pennsylvania law.
An applicant is required to report Waste violations and enforcement actions that occurred within the past 5 years on Waste Transporter Authorization Applications. This is known as your Compliance History.
Example: A waste transportation vehicle is leaking waste onto the ground violating 25 Pa. Code 285.213(c). The Department issues a Notice of Violation to the owner/operator explaining the violation of Pennsylvania law. The Department decides to issue a penalty for violating the Pennsylvania law.
In Part E2 of the application form, the applicant reports HAS had enforcement actions as follows:
Violation of 25 Pa. Code 285.213(c) the vehicle was leaking waste □ Notice of Violation
Violation of 25 Pa. Code 285.213(c) the vehicle was leaking waste □ Consent Assessment Civil Penalty | Amount of Penalty: $500
Related Corporations. An applicant is required to report Waste violations and enforcement actions that occurred with the past 5 years for its corporations that are related by having common principals or parent or subsidiary corporate relationships.
Search for your Violations & Enforcement Actions.
If you buy another business and intend to transfer your licensed waste hauling vehicles to the business, you should contact the Department at 717-783-9258 to discuss the details of the business transfer and your options for issuing or transfer of the waste hauler authorization.
Yes. Under DEP's Clean Water Program. If you register with the Clean Water program and obtain a septic haulers permit, you are exempt from ACT 90 under Transportation Exemptions #7. See Exemptions located on this page for further information.
No. Vehicles (trucks with a registered gross vehicle weight less than 17,000 lbs., and trailers with a registered gross vehicle weight less than 10,000 lbs.) loaded with more than the registered gross vehicle weight do NOT require an Act 90 Waste Transportation Authorization or Sticker. DEP will not issue Act 90 Waste Transportation Authorization or Sticker for these vehicles.
Yes. According to 25 Pa. Code 287.1 Definitions, asbestos waste is defined as follows:
Friable asbestos-containing waste—Waste material containing more than 1% asbestos by weight that hand pressure can crumble, pulverize or reduce to powder when dry. The term also includes non-friable asbestos-containing waste which is rendered friable during management.
Special handling waste—Solid waste that requires the application of special storage, collection, transportation, processing or disposal techniques due to the quantity of material generated or its unique physical, chemical or biological characteristics. The term includes dredged material, sewage sludge, infectious waste, chemotherapeutic waste, ash residue from a solid waste incineration facility, friable asbestos-containing waste, PCB-containing waste, waste oil that is not hazardous waste, fuel contaminated soil, waste tires and water supply treatment plant sludges.
§ 299.152. Storage and containment of friable asbestos containing waste.
(a) Friable asbestos containing waste shall be sealed in leak proof containers while wet. The containers shall meet one of the following:
(1) The containers shall be multiple plastic bags with a cumulative thickness of 12 mils or more. The containers are not required to be sealed in steel or heavy duty fiberboard drums.
(2) The containers shall be single or multiple plastic bags with a cumulative thickness of 6 mils or more, and shall be sealed in steel or heavy duty fiberboard drums.
(3) If the waste quantity or physical form does not lend itself to the storage methods in paragraphs (1) and (2), the containers shall comply with an alternate storage method approved by the Department that does not result in visible emissions.
(b) Storage containers shall be labeled with an identification and warning label under 40 CFR 61.140—61.156 (relating to National emission standard for asbestos).
§ 299.232. Transportation of friable asbestos-containing waste.
(a) Friable asbestos-containing waste shall be transported in a vehicle without compaction and in a manner that will not create visible emissions to the outside air.
(b) If it is not feasible to enclose the waste in one or more plastic bags or drums as provided in § 299.152(a)(1) or (2) (relating to storage and containment of friable asbestos-containing waste), the transportation vehicle shall be covered with a tarp and the waste shall be wetted prior to transportation.
Vehicles that meet the weight requirements and that are regularly used to transport and dispose of waste are required to have an Act 90 Authorization to transport and dispose of such waste at permitted waste disposal and processing facilities in Pennsylvania. Permits issued from other states for the same purposes are non-transferable to Pennsylvania.
"WH" means "Waste Hauler". These identification numbers are unique numbers generated by the Department's database (eFACTS) used to track applications. They are primarily for internal use but can facilitate searching on the Department's external website for eFACTS.
Regularly used – Transportation of municipal or residual waste by a motor carrier vehicle or waste trailer if the transportation is being done for commercial purposes or in furtherance of a business. Publicly owned motor carrier vehicles and waste trailers are regularly used if the transportation is being done for the collection and transportation of municipal or residual waste. Certain exemptions are listed above under Additional Information.
See “Exemptions” under Additional Information.
Municipal or residual waste processing facilities include transfer facilities and resource recovery facilities. Municipal waste disposal facilities are construction/demolition waste landfills and municipal waste landfills. Residual waste disposal facilities are residual waste disposal impoundments and residual waste landfills.
Yes, land application through agricultural utilization or land reclamation, general permits for beneficial use, permit-by-rule facilities, yard waste and leaf composting approval sites, and approved best management practices facilities.
Act 90 exempts registered residential septage haulers when transporting residential septage. Additionally, licensed infectious and chemotherapeutic (ICW) transporters and hazardous waste (HW) transporters are exempt only when manifested for ICW and HW, respectively. There are no other licenses or registration of waste vehicles exemptions in Pennsylvania.
Contact Us by Mail
By U.S. Postal Service:
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Management
Division of Reporting and Fee Collection
P.O. Box 8550
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8550
By Courier Service:
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Management
Division of Reporting and Fee Collection
Rachel Carson State Office Building
14th Floor, 400 Market St.
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301