Radionuclide Rule Facts Job Aid (PDF)
This short job aid gives basic facts about the revised Radionuclide Rule.
This short document is a job aid for water suppliers to assist in collecting drinking water samples for compliance with the Radionuclide Rule. It contains a radiological MCL chart and tables for initial and repeat radiological monitoring and reporting.
Web Based Training on the Radionuclide Rule
Available from Pa. DEP’s Earthwise Academy
Radionuclide Rule External Web Links
Pennsylvania's Final Radionuclide Rule (PA Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 14, Saturday, April 3, 2004)
The final form of the revised Radionuclides Rule was published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on April 3, 2004. The revised rule applies to all community water systems (both surface and ground water). Bottled, vended, retail, and bulk water hauling systems are also required to provide water that complies with the radionuclide MCLs and to conduct routine compliance monitoring once every four years. Water suppliers are required to begin radiological monitoring under the revised rule based on system size with the largest systems (those serving greater than 3,300) beginning initial monitoring in January of 2005. Systems serving less then 3,300 are factored in during later dates.
EPA - Radionuclides in Drinking Water
EPA has a site with details about radionuclides in drinking water and a link to a Fact Sheet about the Final Radionuclides Rule. Also available is the 2-page Radionuclides Rule: A Quick Reference Guide. For general educational information, EPA has created an Understanding Radiation web site. EPA also has various radionuclide rule implementation and guidance documents available.
Ground Water Rule
Lead and Copper Rule
Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Stage 2 DDBP
Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
Filter Backwash Recycling Rule
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
Revised Total Coliform Rule
Disinfection Requirements Rule
General Update and Fees