Drought monitoring is a complicated matter and requires careful review of multiple factors (or ‘indicators’). The four most commonly used indicators are precipitation, stream flow, ground water and the Palmer Soil Moisture Index. Each one provides a small part of the picture but considered together can help a hydrologist understand the severity of drought conditions. Below are links that the Drought Coordinator in conjunction with the Drought Task Force uses to help decide a course of action.
USGS Pennsylvania Drought Dashboard
PA Precipitation (PDF) - This document contains multiple resources regarding rainfall including departures from median values by county.
Stream Flow
Pennsylvania Real Time National Map - shows USGS stream gages throughout the Commonwealth, color coding them to indicate percentile values.
28-Day Moving Averages
Pennsylvania by River Basin
Ground Water
30-Day Moving Averages
Palmer Soil Moisture Index
National Map
Long Term Monthly Conditions
Precipitation Required to End Drought in One to Twelve Months
Additional Indicators and Tools
New York City Reservoir Storage
Counties with Burn Bans
National Drought Mitigation Center
National Standardized Precipitation Index
US Drought Monitor
NDMC's Drought Impact Reporter
National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
Related Government Links
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)
National Weather Service (NOAA)
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC)
EPA WaterSense
Phone: 717 772-4048
E-mail: droughtinfo@pa.gov