Bureau of Safe Drinking Water

​​​Operator Certification Information Center

IMPORTANT Cybersecurity Preparedness message:
Please take the time to review the following information from the Operator Certification Board regarding cybersecurity preparedness: Cybersecurity Preparedness Message

To view the certification exam dates, go to Certification Exam Schedule webpage

IMPORTANT  2025 Application Submission Deadlines for each Board Meeting: The State Board for Certification of Water & Wastewater Systems Operators (Board) has established deadlines in advance of each Board Meeting for receipt of all complete initial, upgrade and reciprocity applications. Please see below table for a list of all 2025 Board Meeting dates and the associated deadlines for receipt of a complete application at DEP Operator Certification, PO Box 8454, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8454:

Board Meeting DateComplete Application Received By Deadline
February 12, 2025January 29, 2025
April 9, 2025March 26, 2025
June 18, 2025June 4, 2025
August 13, 2025July 30, 2025
October 8, 2025September 30, 2025
December 10, 2025November 26, 2025

In order to allow adequate time for Department and Board members to evaluate applications, any application that is received after the deadline listed above for each Board meeting will be considered by the Board at the following Board meeting. For example, applications which are received on January 30, 2025 will be considered at the April 9, 2025 Board meeting.

Please review important notices from the Operator Certification Board and the Training Section here:

Required Security Course - All Operators

The Water and Wastewater Systems Operators' Certification Regulation mandates that all certified operators complete the DEP's system security course called "Securing Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities."  This requirement encompasses all classifications of operators, including those with a "grandfathered" certificate (i.e., NTNC drinking water certificate or CSSP wastewater certificate).  The course must be completed by the end of the operator's first full cycle that begins on or after October 1, 2010.  So, if your license expiration date is 9/30/13, 12/31/13, 3/31/14, 6/30/14 and on, you MUST have the security course completed.  Failure to complete the course will result in the loss of your license.  You only need to take the course once!
For more information on completing the course, go to the security training course webpage.

Report On Pennsylvania's Operator Certification Program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires all states to complete an external review of their Operator Certification Program at least once every five years. External program reviews provide the state with a report describing the results of the review and listing recommendations for improving the program.

In 2015, DEP initiated an external review covering calendar years 2011 through 2015. The Certification Program Advisory Committee (CPAC) served as the review team. CPAC's final report was presented to the State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators (Board) on Dec. 10, 2015. The board unanimously approved the report.

The following information includes the strengths of Pennsylvania's operator program, areas of weakness, and recommendations for improvements. The information also includes the results of an electronic statewide survey that was distributed to drinking water and wastewater certified operators, system owners, training and exam providers, and examinees during July 1 through Sept. 30, 2015.

  • Five-Year External Review Report (PDF) – a 10-page report on the Operator Certification Program covering calendar years 2011 through 2015.
  • Appendix A (PDF) – statistics presented in graphical format on operator certificates in Pennsylvania, operator demographics, certification exam pass rates and exams offered, facility types, numbers of uncertified operators and inappropriately certified operators, and much more.
  • Appendix B (PDF) – all questions in the electronic survey and a breakdown of the answers as well as all of the respondents' unaltered comments.

The State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators (63 P.S. §§ 1001 to 1015.1)

The Water and Wastewater Systems Operators Certification Act (Act) created the State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators (Board). The Board consists of the DEP's Secretary, or designated representative, and six additional Board members appointed by the Governor.

The Board's duties and powers include (1) the review of applications for certification, recertification, and renewal of certification of water and wastewater system operators; (2) administration of DEP examinations concerning the competency of applicants for certification and recertification; and (3) review, provide written comments, and make recommendation to DEP on proposed rules and regulations implementing the Act prior to the submission to the Environmental Quality Board.

For more information, visit the State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators in the Public Participation Center web page.

Advisory Concerning Operator Misconduct

The Water and Wastewater Systems Operators Certification Act (Act) grants DEP with the ability to petition the State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators (Board) to revoke, suspend, or modify the certification of water and wastewater system operators based on operator misconduct. Operator misconduct includes, but is not limited to, falsification of certification application, certificates, sample results, monitoring records, or other records relating to the operation of a water and wastewater system. The Act grants the Board with the authority to revoke, suspend, or modify an operator's certificate based on the operator's misconduct.

DEP has petitioned the Board to take action on a number of cases involving falsification of operating records and falsification of certificates. Under Pennsylvania's Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S. §§ 101 to 9402), it is a criminal offense if a person knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of a record or document that (1) belongs to, is received by, or is kept by a government agency for its own information or records, or (2) is required by law to be kept by others for information of the government. A person committing this offense is guilty of tampering with public records or information (18 Pa.C.S. § 4911), a second degree misdemeanor. If the person committing this offense also acted with intent to defraud or injure anyone, the offense is a third degree felony. A person committing this offense may be subject to prosecution in the appropriate Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas.

Operator Certification Regulations Finalized

The Water and Wastewater Systems Operators Certification Program Regulations, Chapter 302 were published as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on Sept. 18, 2010. There are a few things that will change as a result of the new regulations. These include:

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I become a certified operator?
On the Initial Certification web page, download the "Operator Certification Process at a Glance" document.
How do I prepare for initial certification exams? 
Many of the courses approved by DEP for continuing education can help prepare an applicant to get certified for the first time. Search the course catalog at the EarthWise Academy for available classroom and web-based courses. Contact the training provider directly for a comprehensive list of pre-certification course offerings.
How do I schedule an exam? 
The dates of upcoming exams are listed on the Certification Exam Schedule. View the list and decide which exam date and location is best. Then contact that exam provider to register for an exam or to get on a waiting list.
What are the continuing education requirements for certified operators? 
The current requirements are listed on the Continuing Education webpage. You must meet the continuing education requirements established for your license class and the three-year renewal cycle.
Where do I go to view my continuing education hours on record with DEP?
The EarthWise Academy transcript page shows completed training completed within the current three-year training cycle. Simply enter the DEP client ID number to view the "official" transcript. The number of continuing education contact hours recorded here is the total used by DEP to process the renewal of the certificate.
Where do I find the continuing education courses that are approved by DEP? 
The Course Catalog has information on all of the courses approved by DEP to help the operator meet the continuing education requirements for certified operators. Many of the approved courses can help prepare the applicant to get certified for the first time. Click the "Show Search Options" button to conduct a search based on course description, training sponsor or format or other parameters.

Message from the State Board of Certification of Water and Wastewater Operators:

Maintaining your certification and training distinguishes you as an especially critical resource to our industry! In addition to in-person approved training courses available in your area, the Board encourages you to please consider distance learning (e.g. online and correspondence) courses to help maintain your continuing education credits. Please note that the abundance of approved online training course options continues to expand, and currently includes the following:

  • a. A drinking water operator in Pennsylvania can choose from 324 DEP-approved online courses which offer a total of 1,526.5 contact hours;
  • b. A wastewater operator in Pennsylvania can choose from 321 DEP-approved online courses which offer a total of 1307 contact hours; and
  • c. For web-based and correspondence course options, please carefully review the “Message from DEP’s Operator Certification Training Section – Distance Learning Options for Continuing Education.”

Message from DEP's Operator Certification Training Section

Distance Learning Options for Continuing Education

Below is a summary list of training providers who offer DEP-approved distance learning for PA-certified drinking water and wastewater operators. This list will be updated as DEP receives additional training approval applications and receives clarifications from providers on their current offerings.

DEP does not recommend a specific training provider or course; you are encouraged to work with the training provider(s) of your choice to identify DEP-approved distance learning courses most suited to your continuing education needs. Costs vary and are established by the training provider. The FEMA NIMS training is free, costs for other courses generally range between approximately $14 to $30 per contact hour.

You can find the complete DEP-approved course catalog and verify that a specific course is DEP-approved by using the search criteria in the Earthwise catalog.

Self-paced Online Course Providers:

Live Online Course Providers:

Correspondence Course Providers:

Note: DEP created the lists above using the approved course report from the training approval data system.  If you find any inaccuracies with the list, please email DEPWSTechtrain@pa.gov.

Thank you for your efforts!