Partnership for Safe Water

Assistance and Other Information


Are you worried about getting stuck on a partnership problem after becoming a member? Help is within reach!

Whether its assistance with the software, self-assessment techniques, or technical report writing, someone can help you solve the problem.

The Pennsylvania Section American Water Works Association has partnership representatives on hand in all corners of the state. These representatives can also facilitate your efforts in self-assessments and writing reports. In addition, Pennsylvania's Environmental Training Partnership can provide help with basic computer skills. And each of DEP's regions has specialized staff on hand to assist plant operators with the Partnership for Safe Water program.

Where can I get more information?

Nancy Dinger
Pennsylvania Section American Water Works Association
1309 Bridge Street
P.O. Box D
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Phone 717-774-8870
Fax 717-774-0288

Kevin Anderson
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone 717-783-9764
Fax 717-772-3249

American Water Works Association
Partnership for Safe Water Headquarters (Denver)