The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is pleased to offer free professional engineering assistance to small and medium-sized (serving 10,000 or fewer people) public community and non-profit non-community water systems through the PES program. The DEP's Capability Enhancement Program oversees the PES Program and will be evaluating systems for inclusion in the PES program. The PES program can assist small and medium-sized drinking water systems with the following tasks when in support of a capital improvements project or consolidation with another system:
- Investigations to determine the cause of system technical issues
- Feasibility studies to determine the most feasible and cost-effective solution to addressing system technical problems
- Design work related to public water system facilities
- Construction and operational permit applications
- Preparation of funding applications for public water system construction projects
- Construction bid preparation and construction contractor procurement assistance
The PES program cannot provide funding for:
- Construction projects
- Permit application fees
- Compliance monitoring
Water systems are accepted into the program based upon their commitment to address the technical, managerial and financial capability weaknesses of the system, their commitment to follow through with constructing the project that was designed by the PES program, and their willingness to budget resources to sustain the designed project after construction.
For more information about the PES program, contact the local Capability Enhancement Facilitator in your area:
Northwest and Southwest DEP regions, Jamie Estep 814-472-1921 or
North-central and Northeast DEP regions, Amy Gresh 570-327-3668 or
South-central and Southeast DEP regions, Mark Billus 717-705-4956 or
About Safe Drinking Water
Capability Enhancement Program
Distribution System Optimization
Drinking Water Management
Drinking Water Newsletter
Emergency Preparedness
FAQ and Resources
Filter Plant Performance Evaluation
Interstate Water Resources Management Division
Where It's Found
Noncommunity Water Systems
Operator Certification
Operator Outreach
PA Waterborne Diseases
Partnership for Safe Water
PFAS in Pennsylvania
PFAS Action Team
Public Drinking Water
Public Water Systems Permits
Water Allocation