1. What is source water?
Source water is water that Public Water Systems treat before delivering to consumers. Source water can come from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, springs, or in subsurface aquifers. Source water has a variety of uses, including for consumption, irrigation, recreational activities, as well as for commercial or industrial activities.
2. What is source water protection?
Taking proactive measures to prevent the pollution of lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater that serve as sources of drinking water.
3. Why should community water systems develop source water protection programs?
Developing source water protection programs can help with reducing drinking water treatment costs. Program outreach and education can demonstrate to customers that their public water system is proactive in preserving local drinking water quality and water resources. Preserving the quality of source water can also prevent consumers from inadvertent exposure to harmful contaminants in drinking water.
4. How much will a source water protection plan cost my community water system?
Source water protection plans are funded by DEP and are free of charge to the water system. The Department recommends that systems with DEP Approved Programs complete an Annual Update Form to maintain active status of an approved local source water protection (SWP) program.
For further questions, contact your local DEP regional or district office.
Or Contact:
Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Safe Drinking Water
Permits Division
P.O. Box 8467
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8467
Source Water Protection Program
Resource Account Email: RA-EPSourceWaterBSDW@pa.gov
Fax: (717) 772-5630
Phone: (717) 787-9633