Source Water Protection Plans are funded by DEP and are free of charge to the water system.

To compliment the Source Water Protection Technical Assistance Program (SWPTAP), the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) developed the Small Systems Program. The Small System Program provides a simplified version of a SWPTAP Plan, to meet the needs of smaller systems.


Small Systems Source Water Protection Planning Includes:

  1. A delineation of watershed or wellhead protection areas for each drinking water source.
  2. An analysis of potential sources of contamination (PSOCs) within protection areas.
  3. Collaboration with steering committee partners in developing mitigation strategies to address environmental concerns.
  4. Finalization of a source water protection plan. 

Systems have the flexibility to implement their source water protection plans in a manner that aligns with their specific size, available resources, and strategic objectives. This approach allows each system to tailor its protective measures to address its unique challenges and priorities. Through the Small Systems Program, small systems can develop a comprehensive and adaptive protection plan that supports long-term water security and public health.