Minimum Control Measure (MCM) #5 of the MS4 permit deals with Post-Construction Stormwater Management. There are three Best Management Practices (BMPs) within MCM #5 in the 2018 permit. The following is a selection of resources for those seeking more information on MS4 requirements related to MCM #5.



Additional Resources

Links to resources outside of DEP's website do not necessarily constitute an endorsement.

  • Basic Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Training - This course was developed to allow County Conservation Districts share their expertise on Stormwater BMP inspection and maintenance through short instructional videos. In each video, conservation district staff will explain how a particular BMP type works, the maintenance required to keep the BMP operational, and common issues that may be encountered when inspecting BMPs.
  • EPA Green Infrastructure website - includes general information on Low Impact Development (LID)
  • Low Impact Development (LID) Center website - The LID Center website provides links to publications and sources of technical data on LID technologies
  • Municipal Guide to Low Impact Development (PDF) - Presents the benefits of LID in a two-page fact sheet.
  • LID Guidance Manual (PDF) - The Maine Coastal Program manual provides guidance on LID standards that municipalities can use in reviewing developments and issuing building permits for single-family construction. It also proved guidance for both the reviewing agency and the project applicant in selecting and designing appropriate LID practices.