The following is a selection of resources for those seeking assistance in preparing an MS4 Notice of Intent (NOI) or application for permit coverage.

2018 General Permit (PAG-13)

2018 Individual Permit


DEP Statewide Existing Use Classifications (PDF) - Provides existing use classification for each surface water that receives stormwater discharge from your MS4. See NOI instructions.

eMapPA - This DEP application can be used to view the urbanized area (UA) based on the 2000 and 2010 censuses along with other facilities and features.

MS4 Municipal Requirements Table (PDF) - Table containing all Pennsylvania municipalities with regulated small MS4s that require NPDES permit coverage, and the surface waters the MS4 discharges to that were considered impaired according to DEP’s 2014 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report.

MS4 Non-Municipal Requirements Table (PDF) - Table containing the non-municipal entities in with regulated small MS4s that require NPDES permit coverage, and the surface waters the MS4 discharges to that were considered impaired according to DEP’s 2014 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report.

MS4 Requirements Table web-based GIS application - This application provides a visual representation of the information contained in the MS4 Requirements Table.

DEP TMDL Tool - DEP tool for looking up TMDLs in PA watersheds by different parameters.