The following web-based trainings are available on DEP’s Clean Water Academy.

Minimum Control Measures

  • Minimum Control Measures Part 1: This course provides a basic overview of the following MS4 permit requirements: MCM 1 (Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts), MCM 2 (Public Involvement and Participation), and MCM 3 (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination).
  • Minimum Control Measures Part 2: This course provides a basic overview of the following MS4 permit requirements: MCM 4 (Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control),MCM 5 (PCSM in New Development and Redevelopment), and MCM 6 (Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping).
  • MCM 3: Outfall Inspections: This course provides step-by-step guidance on how to conduct dry weather screenings of MS4 outfalls to evaluate for the presence of illicit discharges.

PRP Development and Implementation

  • Pollutant Reduction Plan Mapping Basics: This training was developed to assist MS4 permittees with developing mapping for their Pollutant Reduction Plans.
  • Stream Restoration Crediting: This training provides an overview of the documentation that DEP expects to see when stream restoration projects implemented to meet permit required pollutant load reductions are submitted for review.
  • Completing the PRP/TMDL Plan Final Report: This training course will review how to complete a PRP or TMDL Plan Final Report using the PRP/TMDL Plan Final Report Template (3800-FM-BCW0014).


  • MS4 eReporting User Guide: This course provides guidance for the submission of Annual MS4 Status Reports (Annual Reports) through DEP’s GreenPort system. The training will introduce users to the eReporting application, provide guidance on the completion of electronic annual reports, and review the regulatory review process for submitted reports. 

External Training

The following courses are posted to Clean Water Academy because of their relevancy to the MS4 Program. However, these courses were not developed by DEP and therefore the educational materials included within these courses is not intended to serve as regulatory guidance.

  • Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance: This course was developed to allow County Conservation Districts share their expertise on Stormwater BMP inspection and maintenance through short instructional videos.
  • Urban Stormwater Basics: This course developed by Penn State Extension introduces the basic stormwater concepts necessary to understand how urban stormwater is managed and regulated in Pennsylvania and the role all municipal employees play in the management of stormwater.
  • Stormwater Basin Retrofitting: Produced by the Westmoreland Conservation District, this two-part video, discusses the design, assessment, retrofitting, and maintenance of stormwater basins.